A Misjudged Deduction (LukaNette)

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After a group outing to watch the latest movie in the Mecha Monkey vs Cyber Shark series, Marinette found herself being escorted home by her friend Luka.

He had insisted that, because it was starting to get dark out, he had to walk her home to make sure that she would remain safe. She'd assured him that she could handle herself but he still insisted upon it anyway.

The two were nearing her home, now strolling through the park next door.

Looking up to the clear sky, Luka mumbled to himself, smiling happily. "Her dark hair is as gorgeous as the night sky."

Marinette frowned after hearing this. It's not the first time that he had randomly and unexplainably said something like that.

He had only mentioned things like that two times before around her but she had no doubt that she wasn't the only person who he had told those clues. And she wasn't quite sure why he did it in the first place.

"You could just get lost in her dazzling eyes."

"Her sweet smile brightens up my whole world every time I see it."

And now, out of the blue, he had dropped his third hint to her.

"Her dark hair is as gorgeous as the night sky."

Who on earth could he possibly be talking about? Dazzling eyes, a sweet smile that lights up his whole world, dark hair as gorgeous as the night sky. Who did she know that fit the description?

Marinette pondered it for a moment, mentally running through a list of people she knew until she could find the one that fit the hints given to her.

She gasped as she finally realised who he must have been talking about. She only knew a few people with dark hair, and he definitely would not have been talking about his sister Juleka, which meant that she was left with only one other person who it could possibly be.

Kagami Tsurugi.

Marinette felt tears well up in her eyes at the thought of Luka liking someone other than herself. She tried to blink the rogue tears back but it was to no avail. She didn't want him to see her cry so she needed to get out of there. And fast.

"S-sorry. I just realised that I was supposed to be home ten minutes ago to help my bakery in the parents." She excused as she ran away, quickly waving at him as she left.

Luka frowned, noticing the fake excuse. She had told them earlier that she wasn't needed in the bakery today and she'd just jumbled up her words, something that only occurred when she was nervous. Why did she lie to him?


"Oh, Marinette, it'll all be okay." Tikki reassured, nuzzling the crying girl's wet cheeks in an attempt to bring her some comfort. She never liked to see her usually optimistic holder upset.

As soon as Marinette had rushed away from Luka and ran past her parents and to her bed, Tikki had come flying out of her purse, trying to comfort her straight away. She had also made sure to stay on the look out for any stray akumas that could be wondering around after sensing Marinette's sudden negative emotions.

Thankfully, she hadn't spotted any yet but, if an akuma were to be sent out, it wouldn't be the first time that one would have been sent out after Marinette.

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