Snippets (MariKim)

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It all started with a simple game at a simple birthday party.

Marinette had shown up expecting it to be just another completely normal occasion. It was at first, but this was for Alix's birthday so she should have seen it coming.

"Dare or dare!" Alix had shouted after climbing on top of a nearby chair. The pink-haired girl had a wild grin on her face as she looked down at the rest of the class, probably calculating what dares would embarrass people—specifically Kim, who she still had a friendly rivalry with.

"I thought it was truth or dare." Adrien had quietly mumbled, eliciting a snort of laughter from Nino as the boy explained this version on the game to him.

In all honesty, Marinette hadn't been too concerned about whatever it was she was going to be forced to do. As long as they weren't telling truths, there were secrets (such as her masquerading as the city's hero, Ladybug) that she would be able to withhold.

She was not expecting this at all, though.

Sure, she had confided in the girls that she wasn't in love with the class' resident blond supermodel anymore, but was using her as a victim to other people's dares really necessary? Marinette thought it was a bit unfair.

(Although—now that she thought about it—it might be Alix's revenge for the dare Marinette gave her earlier.)

"Pucker up, DC!" Kim joked as he stood up from his seat on the couch and walked over to her. His stone-grey eyes contained a glint of mischief and excitement within their depths, and Marinette found herself trying to ignore the way her heart fluttered when he sat beside her and his lips curled into a grin.

Slowly, Kim moved his hand and placed it on her jaw, tilting her head to face his. Butterflies fluttered in Marinette's stomach at the soft look in his eyes before he leant in and captured her lips with his own.

Before she could reciprocate, it was over.

Marinette was left gaping slightly with a light blush tainting her cheeks as he paced back to his original seat. She placed a hand over her heart, wondering why its usual gentle rhythm had sped up so suddenly. She'd become verklempt with emotion, and she wasn't quite sure why.

She let a sigh escape her lips as she brushed a certain thought away as soon as it flashed into her mind.


"Knock knock, DC," a booming voice called out from beneath the trapdoor leading to Marinette's bedroom. It opened a moment later, revealing Kim on the steps below.

His eyebrows furrowed into a look of bewilderment as he glanced around the overly-pink room, not spotting Marinette anywhere.

Just as he began to pace around the room, a shrill sound came from above, causing Kim to let out a not-so-manly scream out of fright.

He looked up, notching Marinette's loft bed, and realised that the sound was coming from up there. Listening to it for a few seconds more, he realised that it was an alarm.

Kim reached a hand into his back pocket and pulled out his phone, checking to see if he'd accidentally arrived too early. The time shown suggested otherwise, though.

Breathing out a sigh, Kim ascended up the stairs to her bed to see Marinette sleeping peacefully despite the loud alarm blaring right next to her. He was baffled by how she even managed to stay asleep with how loud the noise was.

Something about the smile on her lips caused Kim's heart to race, but he tried to ignore the foreign feeling. He honestly felt like a bit of a creep just watching her like this, so he decided it'd be best to try and wake her up.

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