Him - MariChat (Commission)

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Chat Noir bounded along the numerous rooftops of Paris, the gentle evening breeze flowing through his golden halo of hair and giving him the familiar sense of freedom he both loved and yearned for.

Chat extended his staff, using it to leap across the familiar street before he tumbled onto a very familiar balcony, narrowly missing the metal railing that rimmed the edge of it.

The black-clad hero landed with a roll and then rocked on the balls of his feet, shortening his staff and placing it back in its place on his lower back once he'd regained balance.

It was a routine Chat had begun to feel accustomed to these days as it was something he now did most nights. It was something that he always looked forwards to.

Faint footsteps could be heard as the girl in the room below him made her way to the balcony above, her head popping out of the skylight a few moments later.

She let out an audible sigh when she spotted him, not even remotely surprised that he'd shown up. Again.

"Good evening, Marinette," he greeted, grinning at her as she clambered out into the rooftop, still wearing her regular clothes rather than her pyjamas even though the sun was already beginning to set, it's light being replaced by the shine of the moon.

"I thought you weren't coming today." Marinette stated, looking a little confused as to why the black-clad hero had shown up. Normally, he didn't show up on Thursdays due to things going on in his civilian life (she didn't know exactly what, obviously).

"Well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to check in on how things are going with you and that prince of yours."

Marinette let out an annoyed groan at his words and slapped her hand to her forehead.

It had been an accident. Last night, Chat Noir had silently landed on her balcony while she was in the middle of a conversation with Alya (over the phone) about a certain blond-haired classmate of theirs.

After her conversation had ended, Chat had knocked on the skylight which had caused Marinette to let out a squeal of shock.

Marinette was thankful that she hadn't mentioned Adrien's name in the call; otherwise Chat Noir may have pestered even more than he already did.

Marinette took a hold of his gloved hand, hauling him through the skylight and into her bedroom where the two of them landed on her loft bed with a thump and a slight bounce.

"So do you think that you're finally ready to ask out this Prince Charming of yours?" He questioned with a smirk, and she whacked him square in the face with a nearby pillow, eliciting a laugh to bubble from him as his chest rose and fell with every breath.

"Uh, no way!" Marinette exclaimed, rolling her eyes at him, "I can't do that yet, Chat. He still barely notices me," she reasoned, crossing her arms in defence as she averted her gaze.

"I'm sure that's not true, little lady.
He'd better realise just how wonderful you are before some other guy—or girl, whatever you're into—comes and steals you away from him." Chat Noir reassured her, a charming smile etched onto his masked face.

Marinette's lips curled into a smirk as she turned her head to look at him again.

"Oh, what? Someone like you?" Marinette teased, her cute giggles being muffled by her hand. Chat merely smirked at her in amusement.

"In your dreams," he retorted, playfully rolling his eyes as a chuckle escaped his lips.

They laughed about it for a few moments, revelling in the weird sense of familiarity. To anyone else, the scene would be absurd, but to them it was normal. Ladybug and Chat Noir were hardly ever seen outside of akuma battles after all so his presence in her home would seem odd to anyone else.

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