Memory - LadyNoir

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"Ladybug!" Chat Noir shouted, clasping a hand over his mouth in shock as he watched his partner fall to the ground with a loud thump, her head almost smashing into the wall behind her.

They were fighting yet another akumatised villain, and she had taken a rather painful looking hit to the head from the beams being sent out of the akuma's hands. Chat Noir clenched his teeth in anger as he watched the villain walk away, deciding against following it as he knew that he had to help his lady.

He rushed over to her side and knelt down next to her, helping her to sit up.

"Are you okay, M'Lady?" He questioned, worry evident in the tone of his voice.

Ladybug rubbed her head, her other arm placed on Chat's shoulder as support. She looked at him and frowned, wincing a moment afterward.

"Where do I know you from?"

He frowned at that, not understanding why she'd asked that. He was her partner, and they saw each other almost every day so how could she ever forget him.

"From your dreams?" He responded and grinned, testing whether saying another one of his usual flirty lines would give her some recognition.

The corner of her mouth crinkled for a moment before she burst into a fit of laughter, some tears forming in the corner of her eyes. He hoped that those were from the laughter and not the pain of her injury.

"Why are you dressed as a cat?" Ladybug asked and pointed up at his fake cat ears, moving her hand to twang his bell afterward which caused her to giggle.

He gasped, finally realising what had happened to her. This couldn't be happening. Not now. Not ever.

'She's lost her memory.'

"You really don't remember anything, Ladybug?" He asked, his heart sinking as he realised that in her mind she didn't know him, that she didn't know about Paris' heroes.

"Who's Ladybug? I'm Ma-" She began to say but was cut off when Chat Noir places his hand over her mouth.

"Shhh, I'm not supposed to know that, M'Lady," Chat informed her as he moved his hand away. "I guess I'll have to help you then."

He stood up and offered out his hand to her, smiling comfortingly as if to reassure her that he was here to help her.

Ladybug took his hand and he pulled her to her feet before picking up Her yo-yo that lay discarded on the ground.

"Now, I'm going to need you to listen really carefully..."

"Miraculous Ladybug!" The sported heroine shouted minutes later, throwing a book into the air. Magic sparkles coursed around her, healing the damage done to her head earlier on.

"Please tell me that you remember who I am."

She turned around, meeting the expectant gaze of her partner, and nodded. A bright smile soon appeared on his face as he raced forward and wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

She soon returned the hug, burying her face into his shoulder as she mumbled out a thank you.

"Thank you for not letting me reveal my identity, Chat."

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