Colourful Emotions - Part 1

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This three part special is in honour of me reaching 1000 followers on Miraculous Amino. It is set in a Soulmate AU and a No Miraculous AU.

A soulmate. Everyone in the world had that someone who was destined to be their lover or their best friend.

Marinette didn't learn the truth about soulmates until the young age of four. Her curiosity had begun to get the better of her as she desperately begged to know why her nails kept magically changing colours. One moment they'd be a brilliant red, and minutes later they'd have turned a warm yellow.

"Each colour represents a different emotion," Her mother explained, showing her a chart covered with different colours. "Your nails are currently yellow which means that your soulmate is feeling happy."

The mere thought of soulmates baffled Marinette, so she tried to get the chart memorised as soon as she possibly could. That way, she'd be able to know how her soulmate was feeling with just a brief glance at her nails. She also learnt that platonic soulmates, people fated to be the best of friends, had the colours appear to but the colours wouldn't be as bright and would remain more pastel than the rich colours that romantic soulmates showed.

Her parents also taught her that if a colour was bright and deep, it meant that the emotions were strong. A more faded hue meant that the emotion was weak.

One of the things she noticed was that her soulmate was often relatively happy, so she guessed that their childhood was an enjoyable one. From the way her own was going, she assumed that his nails also remained yellow most of the time.

However, in the past few months, Marinette noticed a sudden change to the familiar pattern of emotions that the colours displayed, one different to the one she was used to seeing each and every day.


Almost every time she checked her nails were the same shade of blue.

Marinette had recently turned thirteen now, and seeing her soulmate's melancholy state only made her want to reach out to them even more than she ever had before. She'd wrap her arms around them in a comforting hug as an attempt to wash away the sadness that now seemed to consume their life.

It was the start of a new school year today, and Marinette was already preparing for the worst possible scenario.

Knowing her luck, she'd end up in the same class as Chloé Bourgeois this year. Again.

She grimaced at the thought before she shook it off and headed out of her room and into the bakery.

She kissed her parents on the cheeks, waving goodbye to them as she ran out of the bakery with a box in her hands. She waited for the cars to pass by and crossed over the street before running towards the school, speeding up when she heard the first bell ring.

She'd managed to be sat in the classroom for no longer than a full five seconds when Chloé and Sabrina had walked up to her, demanding that she should move to another seat, despite the fact that that was her usual place. Why did they want to move seats all of a sudden?

"Adrien is coming later today." Chloé had informed, and then proceeded to let out a high pitch laugh when Marinette questioned who this Adrien was.

She hung her head down, trying not to look Chloé in the eyes for the fear that it may cause her to feel even more intimidated than she already did. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her hands had become clammy. She wanted - needed - to get away from there as soon as she possibly could.

Her soulmate's nails were most likely black at the moment, representing her sudden fear at the threat (Chloé) facing her.

"Hey! Who elected you Queen of Seats?" An unfamiliar voice protested and Marinette looked up to see the new girl standing in front of Chloé, a scowl adorning the unfamiliar girl's face as she crossed her arms in anger.

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