The Tune of My Heart - LukaNette

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This is my piece for a secret Santa between me and my friends on Amino.


Luka glanced at the small but growing crowd through the curtains currently hung across on the stage they were about to perform on, beaming to himself when he spotted her arrive through the large doors at the other side of the restaurant.

It was the band's first gig today (albeit a  relatively small one) and Luka had a big surprise in store for a certain dark-haired, blue-eyed girl. He really hoped that it would all go well and that she'd love what he'd written for her.

The venue they'd chosen to play at wasn't the largest, but they'd all agreed that it was a great starting point for them.

He moved away from the curtains, the soft material swishing a little as he let go of it and walked back over to his fellow band members who were all getting prepared for the gig.

They mostly looked excited, but Rose in particular seemed to be quite anxious. She would be singing the majority of the songs after all, it was only the first one where she was providing the back-up vocals.

Luka could see that his sister, Juleka, was doing her best to comfort her about it, taking Rose through breathing exercises to try and calm her trembling nerves.

Ivan and Adrien were pretty relaxed about it, although Adrien was used to being in crowded places and had been 'on stage' when walking down the catwalk during fashion week.

A few minutes later, a member of staff announced that their band would be playing, and the curtains were drawn, revealing the group of five to their small audience.

Luka's eyes were immediately drawn to Marinette who sat on one of the table's nearest to the stage. Noticing his gaze, she smiled at him but her expression morphed into one of confusion when she noticed that he was stood at the front rather than Rose.

"Hello, everyone!" Luka exclaimed. "We are Kitty Section! This first song is dedicated to a certain someone in the audience today." He introduced, taking a deep breath as he prepared himself for one of the scariest moments of his life.

The song was essentially his confession of his love for her, the girl of his dreams. She'd grown on him a lot since they had first met, and Luka still couldn't forget the time she kissed him on the cheek after they visited the ice rink with Adrien and Kagami a few months ago.

Marinette had wriggled her way into Luka's open heart, and he wasn't going to miss this chance to confess his love to her.

He took a deep breath before he started to sing out the melody he'd written just for her.


Marinette glanced down at her phone before looking back up at the restaurant in front of her. After making sure that it was the same one that Luka had sent her a message about, she pushed open the door and headed inside.

Soon after, she was seated on a small table near the stage, its curtains still drawn as everyone waited for the band's allotted time to play to begin.

When she'd first received the text asking her to watch Kitty Section's first gig, she'd been overjoyed. Luka had really grown on her since she first met him.

She'd sent back a message agreeing to attend right away, already knowing that her parents would be completely fine with her going.

So when the band came on stage and Rose wasn't at the front, Marinette was confused. Instead, there stood Luka, smirking at her once he noticed the confused expression adorning her face.

The song he sang warmed her heart. She could practically feel the love flowing from it and, after glancing around, could see that everyone else seemed to feel the same way.

The lyrics were what made her heart feel as if it were going to burst out of her chest.

Mentions of bright and beautiful bluebell eyes, dark silky hair and a dusting of freckles made her gasp, realising that the song he was still singing was about her.

But why? Was it possible that he liked her as more than a friend?

Although knowing her luck with boys, it was a lot more likely that he meant it in a platonic way.

When the song finally finished, she found herself gazing straight into his eyes. The same eyes that were solely concentrated on her. Even as he swapped places with Rose, his gentle gaze never left hers.

Marinette could hardly concentrate on the music after that, her sole focus on him and only him.

'I need to tell him.'

She thought, ignoring the hammering of her chest.

'I may actually have a chance with him!'

Hope welled up inside of her at the thought as she made the decision to confront him about the song and her own feelings. She was going to ask about that song and she was going to tell him about her true feelings! She could do this!

As soon as the band was finished and all of their songs were over and the band had finished all their songs, Marinette snuck backstage.

She hurriedly glanced around, trying to spot her black and blue-haired friend in the group. Marinette's eyes landed upon his lean figure and she sucked in a breath, mentally preparing herself so that she wouldn't stutter or at least not stutter a lot.

Marinette slowly walked up to Luka — her skirt swishing around her with each and every step she took —and tapped him on the shoulder, the tall boy turning around at the gentle touch of her hand.

"Was that song meant for anyone in particular?" Marinette sheepishly asked as she pressed her fingers together, awkwardly avoiding asking if it was her.

Luka smiled and let out a short chuckle as his cheeks tinted a faint red.

"It was," he responded, his gaze locking with hers. "That song I wrote was meant for you, Marinette."

Marinette felt her heart flutter at his words. Not only had Luka sung that sweet song for her, he'd written it too. She was right! It really was meant for her!

Marinette felt her lips curling up into a smile, her heart almost bursting with uncontainable happiness.

Feeling daring, Marinette blurts out the words she never thought she'd be able to say to any crush she's ever had. "I like you, Luka. Does this mean you feel the same way?"

She clasped her hands together and squeezed her eyes shut, hope swelling inside of her.

All of a sudden, she was enveloped into a warm hug, Luka's muscular arms wrapping around her petite body.

"I like you too, Marinette." He confessed with a grin adorning his face, never leaving their tender embrace.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Luka questions as he pulls back from the hug, discreetly crossing his fingers behind his back as he hoped that she'd say yes.

"I'd love to!"

Overwhelmed by happiness, Marinette placed a hand on Luka's cheek before leaning in and kissing it. She pulled after giving him to the kiss on the cheek to see his mouth hung open in shock.

She giggled at him and began to walk away, glancing behind her shoulder and giving him a quick wave as she walked away.

The cheers from the rest of the band caused her some embarrassment, but she knew that it had all been worth it in the end.

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