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"Hawkmoth seems to be getting really desperate these days." Alya winced, looking across the courtyard at the monstrosity that called itself Sparkleator. Even the name was completely tacky.

The outfit wasn't any better. Well, that is if it could even be called an outfit. She was basically just covered in glitter from head-to-toe, the only place without the annoying sparkles being her face and the palms of her hands.

"Agreed." Nino mumbled, cringing when he saw someone get hit by what the villain was calling her 'bedazzler'.

Apparently, Chloé had made fun of a girl with a sparkly bag, thus leading to her imminent akumatisation. In all fairness, the bag was absolutely atrocious, and you could see in people's expressions how much they hated it.

"Honestly, I'm glad that I get to sit out of this fight," Alya remarked as they continued to watch from afar. "Chat Noir looks absolutely ridiculous."

"Me too," he agreed, grimacing at Chat's new look. The blond hero had been hit by Sparkleator's 'bedazzler' a few minutes before and he was now really shiny. So much so that it hurt to look at him for more than five seconds at a time. He was even shinier than their friend Adrien had been when he was attacked by Style Queen!

"If I were those two, I would probably have given up out of pure exasperation and annoyance by this point." Alya admitted as she filmed the ongoing fight. Nino nodded in agreement.


Nino and Alya simultaneously sucked in a breath and winced as Ladybug was hit by the 'bedazzler'. They felt nothing but pity for the pair of superheroes at this point.

"They're gonna be made fun of for weeks." Nino spoke, saying the words that Alya had been thinking.

A few moments of silence passed before Nino spoke up again. "I'm gonna be the first to do it."

Alya laughed as she watched her boyfriend take a photo of Ladybug and Chat Noir before switching to another app to post said photo online.

"And... done!" He exclaimed. "There is now officially yet another meme of those two."

Alya snorted at that and playfully rolled her eyes before looking back at the fight.

Minutes later, Ladybug managed to grab the bedazzler and—instead of waiting for Chat to use his cataclysm on it like they had planned—smashed it to the ground, her rage at being so sparkly fueling her strength. It broke in half, a black butterfly floating out seconds later.

"Someone's angry."

"Just wait until they see what you posted," Alya responded as she ended the video. "And until they see that I recorded the whole thing."

Later that night, a piercing scream could be heard as Marinette finally saw the picture of her bedazzled self.

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