Side Effects

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This oneshot uses a headcanon I've previously used in a fic of mine. It's been almost a year since I used the headcanon, so I thought I'd do it again.

"This is embarrassing," Marinette muttered, ducking her head down as she walked through the halls of her school.

Everyone stared at her as she walked by, all looking at a certain feature: her hair.

'Why must these side effects exist?!'

Marinette thought to herself, a bright flush coming to her cheeks as she continued to pace up the steps and toward the classroom.

Yesterday, Hawkmoth obviously had nothing else to do than terrorise the city. Repeatedly.

Two akumas in a day was bad enough, but five—now that was just way too many. Seriously, though—did Hawkmoth actually spend all day standing around, cackling at the superhero duo until each of the akumas failed?

Marinette had used her lucky charm a grand total of six times the previous day, meaning that the miraculous decided to punish her with its stupid side effects.

(Although Marinette hated her current predicament, she couldn't wait to see what had happened to Adrien.)

"Girl, what did you do to your hair?" Alya questioned when she spotted Marinette walking into the classroom. The hazel-eyed girl gave her best friend an incredulous look.

Marinette laughed awkwardly as she walked up the steps and sat in her seat beside Alya, running a hand through her hair. She'd decided to leave it down that day—the result of running out of time due to get ready due to freaking out.

"I, erm..." she stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse.

"We decided to switch things up a little," a different voice responded and Marinette looked up to see her boyfriend stood in the doorway. Her eyes widened as she took in his appearance. Now she understood why everyone was staring at her so much.

"Oh my word, Adrien. What have you done?" Alya laughed, tears of joy beginning to form in the corners of her eyes. "What state were you in to think that dying your hair pitch black is a good idea?!"

Adrien just shrugged as he sat down in his seat, glancing back at Marinette and sending her a quick wink. She smiled fondly at him, glad that he'd arrived in time to save her from a horrible excuse.

"Girl, did he coerce you into dip-dying your hair red or was that your idea?"

Marinette looked left at Alya who seemed to have calmed down a bit. The inquisitive reporter looked a mixture of confused, curious and amused.

"My idea?" Marinette replied, her answer sounding more like another question. Alya raises her eyebrows but shrugged it off a moment later.


"It suits you."

Ladybug whipped her head to the left at the sudden noise, sighing in relief when she saw her partner. Chat Noir paced over and sat down beside her before wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"I guess it kinda does," Ladybug mumbled, running her fingers through a few of the red and black strands. "Do you know how long this'll last."

"What do you think?" He replied, giving her a pointed look. She giggled at that.

"I'm guessing Plagg refused to tell you."

"Bingo," he muttered, chuckling to himself. "Sometimes, not even cheese will bribe him."

After a beat of silence, she glanced up at him again. "How did your father react?"

Chat let out a breathy laugh as he recalled the interaction from earlier that day. "Not well. He took one look at me and almost had an aneurysm. Also, he was wearing a hat which was really weird because he hates wearing hats indoors."

"Weird," Ladybug mumbled, wondering what on earth could have compelled Mr Agreste to suddenly make that decision.


Meanwhile, in the Agreste mansion, Nooroo gave his master a sheepish look after he had finished explaining the full extent of the side effects.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know'?" Gabriel angrily questioned as he paced back and forth through his office. "How can you not know the extent of this? My hair can't stay lilac forever!"

"Master, please calm down," Nooroo whispered, but it was no use as Gabriel continued to angrily rant.

"First of all, this shade looks atrocious on me, and then there's the matter of hiding it from Adrien, and—"

Let's just say it was a long night.

Miraculous Oneshots and DrabblesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz