Spying From Afar (DJWIFI)

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"Aww." Alya cooed as she spied on her best friend from afar.

After many months of waiting, Adrien and Marinette had finally gone on a date together and Alya wasn't going to miss it. She wanted to know all of the details, not just the vague ones that Marinette would most likely supply.

Alya and Nino were currently stood behind a bench at the park, watching their friends from afar.

'It's always better to hide in plain sight,' Alya had said. 'that way they won't spot you so easily as they're not expecting you to be there.'

"Alya, is this really neces-" Nino tried to ask his curious girlfriend, only to be cut off when her finger was placed over his lips, stopping him from completing his sentence.

"Shush Nino."

He let out a frustrated sigh as he moved Alya's finger. He didn't really see why they had to be out her spying on their best fiends at all. Why not let them be?

"We should probably just leave them to their date," He tried to reason with her, already knowing that it would be no good use. Alya was an extremely determined and passionate person and, once she had her mind set onto something, she would not give up on it until she had managed to achieve her goal. "What if they see us?"

She turned to face him, an exasperated look on her face, and face palmed. "They will if you won't be quiet Nino. You would make a terrible spy." She stated, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

She then turned her head back to where they had been looking before and gasped. "Where did they go?!"

Hearing her gasp, Nino looked up to see that Adrien and Marinette were not where they had last seen them anymore. The two of them had left.

"What are you two doing?" A voice questioned from behind them. Alya and Nino jumped at the sound of the very familiar unexpected voice and turned around to see Adrien and Marinette looking at them, curiosity obvious from their expressions.

"I told you that you would make a terrible spy!"

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