Falling For Him - DJWiFi

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Hello! This oneshot is set in the same universe as a previous one in this book (Stuck at Eighteen). The events of this story are set before the previous oneshot.

Alya wandered through the club, her eyes drawn to the sea of bodies on the dance floor. Some moved with a certain rhythm or along to the beat of the music and others drunkenly staggered around, almost tripping over their own two feet.

The bright lights and booming music added to the excited atmosphere and the DJ stood up on the stage seemed to be having the time of his life as he performed and entertained the crowd.

Alya's eyes were instantly drawn to the man. His bright, amber eyes, his sun-kissed skin, his dark hair. Him.

'Stop it.'

She thought to herself, placing a hand over her beating heart as she glanced away.

'He's probably not your soulmate anyway, so you shouldn't get your hopes up.'

Alya let out an audible sigh as the thought of soulmates clouded her mind once again. Maybe she just needed to have a drink to drown the thought away.

She'd been searching for her soulmate since the day she reached the age of eighteen, the age where the aging process halts until you meet the one that fate has destined you to be with.

That was over twenty years ago.


Just over a week later, Alya found herself in the club again. She told herself that it was so that she could enjoy herself and have a nice drink but her heart knew the true purpose.

He was there again. The DJ with the stunning amber eyes.

But this time was slightly different. This time, he glanced across the room and his gaze locked with hers. She found herself stunned and could see that he seemed to be experiencing the same thing.

It wasn't until he winked at her before returning to focusing on the song playing that she noticed how entranced she'd been.

In that brief moment they'd just shared, it felt as if electricity had shot through her and as if time had slowed down, almost coming to a halt.

And maybe, just maybe, she felt herself falling for him.

Alya's lips slowly curled into a grin as she made her way to the dance floor. She may as well enjoy herself while she's here after all.


"I see you staring at me every time you show up to the club, but why don't you ever say hi?"

Alya let out a little screech as a voice suddenly piped up from her behind her.

The man whose voice she had heard held out a drink to her which she cautiously took from his hand, their fingers brushing together as the glass was exchanged from one hand to another.

"Don't worry, it's not drugged or anything like that," he reassured her, "I wouldn't dream of doing something as horrible as that to anybody."

The touch caused a strange feeling to rise within her for a moment, flowing all through her body. It soon faded away into nothing as if it had never happened.

"Well, it's not like you said hi to me either," she finally retorted, playfully poking him on the shoulder.

"Fair point," he responded, letting out a chuckle, "I'm Nino," the man continued, holding out his now empty hand for her to shake.

"Alya," she replied while shaking his hand, her lips curling into a grin.

"I would stick around, but I've got another set to play. Will I see you tomorrow?"

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