A Tale Of Creation And Destruction (LadyNoir)

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Once, there was a land where each turn of the century brought a new chosen one. Someone who's fate destined them to hold a great power and use it for the good of the world, always helping those who were in need. Someone who would have a power that would be seemingly unbeatable and would become an omnipotent figure for all to worship. Someone who was entrusted by the gods to hold the power of creation itself in their hands.

Each chosen one was always selected at random, a tradition that was always made sure to be carried out. There had been all ages, all races and all genders seen over the thousands of years that the selections had taken place in. The only people ruled out were those who they could sense would go down a dark path and misuse the powers.

But, just like with any other power beyond imagination, it was a blessing with a curse. A curse that meant that, if the chosen one were to use the powers for evil purposes or to suddenly use them in excess, the power of creation would evolve into the power of destruction. The counterbalance to the powers they had been destined with and that had been placed upon them. The gods had deemed it this way as no mortal being should ever hold the ultimate power only to use it selfishly or for evil intent.

It was unknown as to whether this curse was true or just a lie made up to make sure that the power would always be used wisely. That is, it was unknown up until five short years ago.

The newest century's chosen one, an enigmatic young man of about twenty, had suffered from a great tragedy and, consequently, lost control of the great power of creation that had been bestowed upon him.

The chosen one's screams and cries could be heard from afar and any townspeople who had any sense to them vacated the area that night for fear that the curse may be true.

Pulses of magic radiated from the chosen one and -slowly but surely- the light aura surrounding the man turned dark and the area that his powers had just brought to life started to decay until all that could be seen was the death and destruction of the creation he once had.

It wasn't very noticeable to others at first, but after the remaining townspeople had returned to their homes and started to rebuild the small patch of destruction, the chosen one had begun to shut themselves away with the fear that he would bring harm to those that surround him. He had never intended to hurt so many people, always vowing that he would never use the powers wrongly.

But that night where tragedy struck had caused an overuse of magic energy to radiate from around him and had changed his life forever.

But trying not to hurt anyone was no use. 

The crops started to die out and the town's water supplies started to dry up. Farm animals had begun to pass away and an incurable disease started to spread amongst the land; those who suffered from it died after only a few short days full of pain unlike any other.

The townspeople slowly began to turn against the current chosen one, who remained hidden away, as it was revealed what had become of his powers. But by the time they broke in to his house the chosen one had already disappeared without a trace. The only thing that remained was a charred room with blackened walls and the foul smell of rotting wood and rotting food.

The cursed chosen one was never to be seen again and the town started to return back to its normal state as the land prospered and the people grew well once more.


Five years after that fateful day, a new chosen one that now harboured the powers of creation clambered her way up a steep mountain that was rumoured to house the one who harboured the powers of destruction. The previous person to receive the powers of creation. However, those who had seen the bearer of destruction had also said that it seemed he was looking for someone and had been for years.

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