Comfort and Reassurance - NaRc

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"Utterly pathetic!" Chloé shouted, laughing loudly as she ripped Marc's notepad into pieces, tearing out pages of his many stories. "You think that this trash is good? Ugh, I've seen 5 year old write much better than this!"

"No!" Marc called out, desperately reaching out to try and stop her. But it was of no use.

She kept moving the notepad out of his reach, ripping out another page every time he made a grab for it, taunting him without words.

Nathaniel gasped at the situation he'd just walked in on, memories of the time that he'd ripped the same notepad resurfacing. He felt anger welling up inside of him at the display. How dare she do that to him!

This time, the notepad wouldn't be repaired by Ladybug's magic, meaning that some of his hard work was destroyed forever.

Chloé dropped the many pieces of Marc's notebook to the ground and sauntered away, Sabrina following close behind her as the two girls cackled at what Chloé had just done.

How they found bullying every person who wasn't of a high social status funny, Nathaniel would never understand.

Marc instantly dropped to his knees and began to gather up all of the stray pages in the hopes that he would be able to put it back together.

Nathaniel slowly walked over, hearing small sniffles coming from his shy new friend.

He tapped Marc on the shoulder and he visibly froze at the sudden contact. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was just Nathaniel, rogue tears still pouring down his face.

Nathaniel pulled him into an embrace, letting Marc cry into his shoulder. He didn't care that it meant that his jacket would be wet. All he wanted to do was comfort his friend and reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

"I'm here, I'm not gonna leave you." He comforted, rubbing circles into Marc's back.

Marc pulled back and cracked a weak smile at Nathaniel, wiping away the last of his tears.

"Thank you."

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