Colourful Emotions - Part 2

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Adrien found out about the magic of soulmates at a young age, always questioning his parents as to why the colours of his nails were changing. Eventually, after many months of constant pestering and poking, they gave in and told him all that he wanted to know.

They had also mentioned the fact that his nails didn't show the changing colours for a few months after he was born, but they reassured him that it only meant that his soulmate was younger after noticing that he was going to burst into tears. There was only so much information a five-year old could take in at once.

Adrien had instantly grown fascinated by the seemingly magical concept, always trying to track the way his soulmate was feeling so that he could try and get an understanding of the life they were living before he eventually met them.

His nails were yellow the majority of the time which was actually pretty helpful to him as it meant that, as he grew older and started modelling for his father's brand, his nails didn't end up clashing with the sandy blond of his hair.

Adrien was at the age of thirteen now, and he had recently found out that he was meant to finally start at the nearest public school, but then he was informed (Or should he say overheard in the middle of the night when his parents were arguing. Again.) that his father had decided to back out on the decision, meaning that Adrien was still stuck in his prison-like home under the watchful eyes of his parents rather than out in the open world where he could meet new people and experience new things.

It wasn't the first time he'd overheard his parents arguing about him either and he felt like he was becoming a burden on them. Adrien struggled to sleep at night, covering his ears each and every time the shouting began in an attempt to smother out the sounds and pretend that everything was okay.

His body shook and trembled as he silently sobbed into his pillow, not daring to be loud in case one of his parents were to hear him.

His pet black cat, Plagg, noticed and began to nuzzle his cheek in an attempt to make Adrien feel better, but it still didn't help.

All he wanted was to meet new people, to make friends that he'd be able to cherish forever and create unforgettable memories with. All he wanted was some freedom, to be away from the oversized mansion he had to call home.

So when his mother woke him up early one morning, a packed bag by her feet and freshly ironed clothes in her arms, he felt a wave of joy overtake him as a large grin formed on his face. He could already tell why she had those items with her, and it made him ecstatic.

"Go," She had told him, a sweet smile on her face. "If you try to make it to the school again maybe your father will understand." Emilie reasoned, passing the fresh clothes to him as he got out from underneath the covers of his bed. He could feel the tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he thought about the chance to escape, the chance to be free from the cold mansion that was slowly losing life.

He winced as he remembered his failed attempt at reaching the school from the prior day. He had been running towards the school when the car pulled up and Nathalie and his bodyguard, the gorilla, had blocked his path.

It had ended in him being escorted home and being shouted at by his father while his mother watched, sadness and guilt written in her expression.

Adrien had also received a stream of angry texts about his whereabouts from Chloé throughout the course of the day, each one sounding more impatient and demanding than the last.

He ignored them in favour of hiding away in his room all day, doing nothing but resting on the sofa and staring out of the bar like windows separating him from the rest of the world, the rest of the world that he longed to be living in.

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