Halloween Night - Multiship (Commission)

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Happy Halloween!

Halloween. That day of the year that, even though it's not widely celebrated in France, everyone always looks forwards to. The costumes, the sweets, the excitement in the air.

Young children dressed in a myriad of different costumes litter the streets of Paris, collecting sweets from various places that they stop at around the city whose streets were littered with a myriad of red-hued leaves.

One place in particular that seemed to attract a lot of young children (and also the odd teenager who wasn't off pranking someone) was the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

Keeping up with the general festivity, Marinette and her parents had spent the last week preparing lots of sweet treats and decorating the bakery. The kids that stopped by seemed to love it so it had paid off.

"Happy Halloween!" Marinette called out as she waved at a group of young children and their parents who had stopped by.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, the screen lighting up with the time displayed at the top. 20:30 pm. They should be here any moment now.

"Marinette!" She heard a few distinct voices exclaim as they came barrelling in to the bakery.

There they were. Marinette, Alya, Nino, Adrien, Luka and Kagami had all agreed to meet up that evening so that they could walk around the city in search of any interesting festivities. Kagami and Luka walked into the bakery a few moments afterwards, still in the middle of a conversation about Luka's band's latest practice.

Marinette frowned when she couldn't see Adrien present. She really hoped that he hadn't had to cancel last minute like he had so many times before, it had already happened way too many times before when their group had tried to spend a day or an evening together. His father was way too harsh on him sometimes, all the boy wanted was to enjoy some time hanging out with his friends.

Noticing Marinette's frown, Alya slapped a hand to her forehead as she could already tell why her best friend was making that expression. That girl could be so forgetful sometimes!

"Girl, you do realise that it's not 20:45 pm yet, right? Adrien said he was going to be a bit late because of a last minute photoshoot." Alya reminded her, giggling when she saw Marinette's expression morph into one of realisation.

Marinette giggled nervously at that. In all fairness, Adrien had only sent the message to their group chat in the morning so she'd easily forgotten about it.

"Are the costumes ready?" Nino excitedly asked, his eyes shining. Marinette nodded and pointed the door that lead to the main part of the house.

"They're in the living room," She stated with a smile, beginning to walk through the door with the rest of the group following after her. "I made them exactly as you asked me to."

The group of five clambered up the stairs, their footsteps echoing around the rooms as they ascended. An overexcited Nino reached the door first and immediately slammed it open, apologising a moment later as the rest of them winced at the large bang it had made.

Nino sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck - something he seemed to have picked up from Adrien. "Sorry, I'm just a bit excited." He apologised. It's not like they could already tell he was excited from the fact that he'd been rushing around with a massive smile on his face. No, not at all.

Marinette swore that she heard a small squeal come from Kagami when they saw the costumes Marinette had sewed for them, but when she turned around there was nothing but the usual straight lipped expression evident on her face.

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