Death and Devastation - Plikki/Cheesecake

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No, no, no. Not again. Yet another one of his holders had been engulfed by dark power and had waged a war that had cost the lives of hundreds of people, just for the aim of triumphing over everyone and gaining the ultimate power.

All Plagg wanted was for one of his holders not to be overtaken by the idea that they could control the world with their destructive powers. The miraculous are supposed to be used for good, not evil and greedy intent.

He looked across a now barren wasteland, the miraculous ring in his paws. The now destroyed area had once been filled with life, plants blooming as far as the eyes could see. It used to be a truly serene place. One where his holder used to go when he needed some peace.

The ground around him was charred and the sky above him was red. Smoke rose from the ground and small fires burnt in random places. Dead bodies could be seen scattered around, all killed in the war that his holder had made.

When his holder had found out about the ultimate power, he turned against his Ladybug and wouldn't listen to reason no matter how many times Plagg tried. He warned him of the consequences, but his holder wouldn't listen.

His holder had managed to cause his own downfall, destroying the land around him in the process. Plagg looked down at his now deceased holder, his Ladybug laying dead by his side.

"Plagg." He heard a voice whisper, turning around to see Tikki holding the miraculous earrings in her small hands. He noticed that she had tears cascading down her cheeks, probably due to the tragedy that had struck.

This wasn't the first time a ladybug and black cat had perished in battle, but it was definitely the most traumatic.

"Why does this always happen, Tikki?" He murmured, shaking his small head as he let out a few tears. "Why can't one of my holders have a good fate?"

"It's not always, Plagg," Tikki reassured. "There have been many times where our holders have lived on and built their own lives."

"I know. It just feels like it's always my holders." He replied, his voice shaking every few syllables.

"They can't hurt you anymore," She comforted, snuggling into his side. "It'll all work out some day. I promise."

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