Artistic Confession - Request (NathLix)

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Art was definitely Nathaniel's best subject by far. The boy was an artistic prodigy. Art made the most sense to him, not physics or chemistry or maths.

So why couldn't he seem to concentrate today? This wasn't the first time that this had happened to him either.

He seemed to keep zoning out whenever they had art class recently and there had been more than one time where his friendly art teacher had had to wave his hand in front of Nathaniel's face to bring him back down to Earth.

Nathaniel had apologised profusely each time but his art teacher didn't care as long as he got the work done anyway.

Nathaniel shook his head once again as he snapped out of a daydream he couldn't seem to remember and tried to focus on his current piece of work once again.

He found himself looking over at a certain pink haired classmate of his again a few minutes later. He didn't really know why though.

Nathaniel shrugged it off, turning back to his work that would have been finished at least half an hour ago if it were not for the fact that he kept zoning out. At this rate, he'd be finishing the work after school. Again.

He most definitely had not been admiring the way that Alix's hair had been shining in the sunlight just a moment ago. No, not at all.


The next day, Nathaniel was in art class again. A loud bang snapped him out of his dream like haze, the sudden sound making him jump slightly.

He turned around to see that Kim had dropped a box full of paints and was now apologising to their art teacher. He'd most likely be forgiven anyway with how kind their teacher was.

Turning back to his work, he gasped when he realised what, or who, he'd been drawing the entire time.

Alix Kubdel.

There were multiple sketches laying on his desk, all of them of her. One was her with a bright smile on her face. Another was her while skating. The third sketch, the one he was in the middle of drawing, was her right now as she sat with the sun shining down on her through the window she was sat next to.

He quickly looked around him to make sure that nobody had seen them and then scrambled to cover up the drawings before anyone could. His face had already turned pink from embarrassment. Someone would have probably laughed if they saw the drawings of her.

As he glanced over to Alix his heartbeat quickened all of a sudden and he felt a blush rise to his cheeks. He vehemently tried to deny all of the thoughts that were rapidly coming into his head but it was already way too late to take it all back now.

He had a crush on Alix Kubdel.

Alix Kubdel who had become his best friend. Alix Kubdel who'd never shown obvious interest in anyone ever before, not that he knew of at least. Alix Kubdel who's fiery attitude and overwhelming confidence had drawn shy Nathaniel in and made him fall for her.

He took another glance over to her to see her laughing at something Marinette had been telling her. There was no doubting his feelings at this point. They had become obvious to him now.

Smiling in recognition, he turned back to his work and pondered just how he might go about asking her on a date with him.

That is, if she'd even accept him.


That night, Nathaniel found it hard to fall asleep. Thoughts and ideas swirled through his head as fast as lightning but none of them really stuck.

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