We're From Gotham (Jason Todd x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"What did it cost?" She breathes out.

"Nothing drastic...it's fine," I shrug.

"But, a spellbook as powerful as this one..." She trails off.

"I cashed in some favours. I 'helped' the owner a while back," I explain.

She lets the book fall closed. It makes an exhausted sound, like a padded door shutting, by itself, at a distance: a puff of air. The sound suggests the softness of the thin oniony pages, how they would feel under her fingers. 

"Witches and warlocks would kill for this, you know," She whispers.

"Babe, why do you think the guy owed me?" I ask while arching an eyebrow.

She opens her mouth to scold me but the table rattles like a freight train just passed causing her to close her mouth. The noise is like extended thunder only worse because the vibrations are coming from below. Then like a switch has been flicked everyone moves for safety, all of them on the autopilot mode that all-consuming fear creates. She opens the book once more and begins to devour the information inside, taking no mind to the shaking room around her. Pictures fall from the walls, glass shattering. Other customers scream but their voices are lost under the deafening noise and as the shaking retreats.

"esaec gnikahs dna hsinrufer siht ecalp," She murmurs casually.

Her eyebrows raise and she wears a half-smile as the room stops moving and the fallen decor reassembles by itself. The people around us scramble to their feet, looking around in confusion, unsure of what to do.

"You have no idea how badass I think you are," I whisper.

(Y/N) Pov

I sigh and look out the window, gasping slightly when my eyes meet the outside world. There is a pillar of fiery smoke and dust coming from the building opposite the cafe. Another series of flashes break out and the building collapses, no doubt, trapping a few people inside. I watch the few first responders arrive at the scene and begin to help those who need it. The bell above the cafe entrance rings causing me to turn my attention away from the chaos outside and to the person who entered the cafe, a man to be exact. I observe his attire and cough back a few laughs at the red, white and blue skin-tight spandex onesie type suit he wears. I turn my attention back to Jason and pout slightly, hearing the guy yelling for us all to evacuate. I honestly can't be bothered these days. The building shudders, causing most of the civilians to gasp in fear and the ceiling to crack slightly. 

"Oh my god, this city is so dramatic,' I murmur.

Despite it being 'unmanly' to giggle I love hearing Jason's. The giggles roll out of him like the waves on a long shallow beach. The left side of Jason's faint lip tugs upwards creating a mischevious smirk. 

"What? What are you thinking?" I ask suddenly suspicious. 

"I'm thinkin' about how awesome you are," He flirts.

"No, I know that look. What are you really thinking?" I ask.

"Nothing you should be concerned with," He smirks.

"Babe, I'm always concerned when youre thinking," I laugh.

"Babe!" Jason exclaims, a look of fake hurt crossing his face.

 I shrug, turning back to my spellbook, devouring the information held inside. 

"Excuse me, sir, ma'am...I need you to evacuate the area." Spandex man announces.

"Mhmm, sure thing, will do," I reply although I'm interupted as the cafe shudders once more "Oh damn, is this building really about to fall apart? Does this happen at home?" I ask Jason.

"I don't think so," Jason responds.

"Where are you kids from exactly?" Spandex man asks.

"We're from Gotham." Jason deadpans.

"Alright, well this building is about to collapse..." Spandex man begins.

"Yeah, yeah we know the drill," Jason sighs.

Jason stands up and stretches, extending his arms over his head with a yawn. You don't have to be able to read minds to figure out what Jason has in mind, it's all there in his eyes. The boy has a busy brain, all those ideas to create chaos. We exit the cafe to be met with the city in flames and rubble. Flame roll outwards like the smoke of a mushroom cloud. The idea of the firefighters rushing in seems ludicrous. A subtle shift in the wind direction brings about noxious smoke and ash raining down into their hair and eyes. With hands and clothing clamped to their mouths, civilians flee to a safer distance. It is chaos as they all try to leave at once, honking their horns and struggling to see through the grey debris that coated their windshields. Jason and I share a glance before he nods slightly.

"What else have we got to do today?" Jason asks.

"I kinda wanted to see the city a little bit more," I reply.

"Welp, we'll see it burning, right? Just as good," Jason retorts.

"You're an asshole," I laugh.

"But you love me," He smirks.

"Okay, fine, you win." I sigh in defeat before chanting "Brag su rof elttab!".

In a swirl of smoke, our clothes change from civilian clothes to our uniforms. Jason adjusts his domino mask and holds his helmet under his arm. I smooth out the front of my suit and grin as a look of recognition crosses over the man's face.

"I'm Red Hood," Jason introduces himself.

"(S/H/N)," I wave with a slight smile.

"Captain America, it's a pleasure to meet you," He nods.

"Alright, time to kick some ass," Jason smirks.

"Mmm, Cap doesn't like that type of language," A redhead interjects with a smirk as she enters the cafe. 

"Really Natasha?!" Captain America exclaims.

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