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*They play for an hour then she goes back to her room* Hey Tyler I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. I was just stressed out like you are. If you're not ready to talk yet it's ok. Take all the time you need

Tyler: I'm ready to talk. I'm just not ready to sleep yet

Katie: That's fine. I'm not that tired either

Tyler: What should we do then?

Katie: I've got an idea but I'll Logan's help first *Calls his name*

Logan: What do you need?

Katie: Ok first tell me where James is

Logan: On the couch watching tv. Why?

Katie: I just thought it would be fun to give him a makeover

Logan: A makeover? What kind of makeover?

Katie: A special one

Logan: Oh boy I don't even wanna know what you two are up to. What did you need from me?

Katie: My mom's make up

Logan:(confused) Your mom's make up?

Katie: Yeah

Logan: You want me to ask your mom if you can borrow her make up?

Katie: Yeah cuz if I ask her she'll get too excited about her only daughter wanting to use make up but if you ask her she'll be more understanding cuz she'll know I need privacy

Logan: Sometimes I think you and Carlos share a brain. That didn't make any sense at all but ok fine *Goes to Ms. Knight's room* Hey um Ms. Knight can I uh borrow your um m-m-make up?

*Drops the laundry basket she's holding in shock and gives him a very concerned look*

Do we need to have a talk honey?

Logan: No ma'am it's nothing like that. It's for Katie I promise

Ms. Knight: Ok *Gives him some items*

Logan: Thanks *Walks out* Here you go Katie

Katie: This is perfect. Thanks Logan *Goes to living room* Hey James can I give you a make over?

James: Why?

Katie: Um cuz we're bored and I don't have a big sister

James: Why me?

Katie: You wear make up

James: That is for professional reasons

Katie: Please James. I don't do my own and I wanna do it on you

James:(sighs) Fine

Katie: Thanks. What's this thing? *Holds it up*

James: Eye shadow. You don't know what eye shadow looks like?

Katie: Have you ever known me to go into a beauty store?

James: No

Katie: Then don't ask me stupid questions! *Punches his arm*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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