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Mr. Bitters: Get away from me you brainless puny little brat! *His yelling catches the attention of the news crew and they point their cameras at him*

Officer Garcia: Hey Mr. Jerkface the whole world is seeing you now. Are you happy?

*Mr. Bitters stares at the cameras full of shock* This is live?

Officer Garcia: Yeah and you should be ashamed of yourself yelling at Katie. She's such a sweet little girl

Mr. Bitters: "Sweet" isn't the word I would use to describe her

Katie: Give Buddha Bob a proper apartment!

Buddha Bob: His ego won't let me get one

Mr. Bitters: Get those cameras out of my face!

Katie: Treat your employees better and you wouldn't have this problem!!

Mr. Bitters: Fine! He can have an apartment here!

Katie: One of the biggest ones on the top floor!

Mr. Bitters: Absolutely not! He'll ruin it with his filth and grime!

Buddha Bob: I know I look unsanitary and disorganized but I'm actually very neat and tidy

Mr. Bitters: You look like a caveman. Even Katie called you that

Katie: I only said that cuz I didn't know him yet. I never meant it in a mean way and he wasn't even offended by it

Mr. Bitters: Well good for you!! *Gives Buddha Bob a room key to one of the rooms on the highest floor* There! Happy now?! *Rolls his eyes and goes back in his room*

Tyler: That was intense

Katie: It had to be done

*The news crew leaves and everyone returns to their apartments*

*In Katie's Room*

*She and Tyler are playing Battle Blast 5*

Kendall: Aren't you guys suppose to be researching stuff for you project?

Katie: Get off our back old man. We're just chilling

Kendall: Old man?

Katie: I'm sorry Kendall. It's been such a crazy day. I'm still so stressed out. I didn't mean it

Kendall: Aw that's ok. No worries

Katie: Kendall I'm worried that guy will never get caught. He's out there somewhere on that loose. What if he kills someone? What if he does it to someone we know? How safe are we?

Kendall: Aw man I'm not good at this counseling stuff. I don't know what to tell you without stressing you out even more. Um hang on *Walks away* Logan, come here please

Logan: What's wrong?

Kendall: Katie and Tyler are really worried this masked man creep. I don't know how to comfort them like you. I don't know what to say

Logan: Relax Kenny I'll talk to them

Kendall: Thanks

Logan: How about you come with me so you'll know what to do next time this happens

Kendall: I'll never be as good as you. You're the future doctor not me

Logan: You'll be fine Kendall. Come on *They walk into the room* Hey guys I know you're scared with that guy not in jail yet. I'm scared too. Don't worry we're safe here. He can't hurt us

Katie: But he knows we live in the Palm Woods. It's a mystery how he even got in the pool area. What if he figures out how to get in the building?

Logan: It's locked very securely every night. Besides nobody can get in without a keycard

Katie: I know all that but what if he breaks in? You don't need a keycard to do that

Logan: Officer Garcia and his team triple checked the entire Palm Woods before leaving. They're convinced the guy isn't here right now. He might not even be in Los Angeles anymore at least that's what they're hoping

Kendall: I'm with Logan on this guys. If he says you have nothing to worry about than you don't need to worry

Tyler: I think they're right Katie

Katie: Fine, just please promise me you won't leave us if something does happen

Kendall: Why would we ditch you guys?

Katie: I don't know it could happen by accident

Tyler: Panicking clouds thinking

Logan: That my little friend is very true but we've got you both don't worry

Kendall: Get some rest. Those puppies have been in dreamland this whole time. Join them you both look exhausted *Leaves out with Logan*

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