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*The next exhibit is in the same area and it's called The Swamp and the main attraction is an albino alligator*

Carlos: That alligator is all white. Wow he even has a name. It's Claude. He's just relaxing on that big rock. *Records with his camera*

Miss Collins: Is this a good reptilian experience George?

George: Yeah it sure is. Tiberius will be so jealous when I tell him what I've seen

Kenny: Dude come see this awesome animal. The sign says it's an alligator snapping turtle and that it's the largest freshwater turtle in the world

George: Wow I've never seen one up close before. It's not that scary looking. He's kind of unattractive but he definitely doesn't scare me

*They look at the diamond back rattle snake and salamanders in the next terrariums*

*Next in the same area is the exhibit titled California Coast*

Katie: I've always wanted to see an octopus up close. I think they're so cool. And this one in the tank is a giant pacific octopus. Wow it's beautiful

Tyler: S-s-harks!

Katie: Those are leopard sharks. Don't worry Tyler. Sharks aren't scary they're just misunderstood creatures. They deserve more respect and protection than fear and hate

Tyler: I know but my mom told these creatures are monsters

Logan: Some do look very monstrous but as long as nobody bothers them they're probably harmless

Max: Look over here guys we can touch some animals in the discovery tide pool

Katie: I remember being at Griffin's beach house and finding cool animals in the tide pool. These look like those animals. Awesome *After everyone takes a turn they stay in the exhibit for about another hour making sure they have pictures and video*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now