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*Once that's done they go inside to their apartments*

*The next afternoon Tyler runs to Apartment 2J full of excitement and knocks on the door*

Logan: Hey Tyler are you ok?

*Panting* Tyler: I'm ok. Is Katie here? I need to talk to her

Logan: No she's not here at the moment

Tyler: Do you know where she is? I have something really really important to talk to her about

Logan: Sorry Tyler I don't know where she is. I think the last time I saw her was at school. After that she disappeared. She told me she wasn't feeling good but she's not in her room

Tyler: Oh no I hope nothing bad happened to her

Logan: I'm sure she's fine Tyler. Don't worry. Just wait here for her

Tyler: Ok *Walks in and sits on the couch*

*An hour later Katie comes home*

Logan: Where were you?

Katie: I went for a walk to clear my mind. It didn't work

Logan: What were you so upset about earlier?

Katie: Zoey

Logan: What's wrong with Zoey?

Katie: Nothing it's just that (sighs) She's up for adoption. She'll be gone soon all I'll never see her again

Tyler: Aww don't worry Katie. I've got some great that might cheer you up

Katie: And what might that be?

Tyler: My mom is finally letting me have my own pet

Katie: That's great Tyler. I'm happy for you

Tyler: I get to look for one today. You wanna come with me?

Katie: No thanks Tyler. I've got a headache

Tyler: Ok well I'll just go on a day you're feeling better

Katie: Thanks Tyler but you don't have to do that for me. It's your pet not mine. Go search without me

Tyler: Where's the fun in that? You're worth waiting for

Katie: That's why you're my best friend *Smiles and fists bumps him*

Logan: That's very kind of you to do that Tyler

Tyler: Thanks *Waits for Katie to go to her room* Can you keep a secret for me?

Logan: Sure what is it?

Tyler: Well I've come up with a great idea that'll help Katie feel better *Whispers the plan in his ear*

Logan: That's a great idea Tyler. She's gonna love it

Tyler: Thanks and remember it's a surprise

Logan: Don't worry your secret is safe with me. I won't tell another soul. Hockey player promise

Tyler: Awesome thanks Logan you really are the best in the band. Don't tell the others I said that

*Laughs* Logan: Don't worry I'm not gonna tell them

Tyler: Thanks bye *Leaves out*

*The next day in the afternoon Katie goes to the police starting to visit Zoey but doesn't see her in the kennel with the other puppies*

officer Garcia where's Zoey?

Officer Garcia: I told Carlos to tell you she's been adopted. I guess he didn't have the heart to tell you the truth. I'm so sorry honey but don't worry she's with a loving family now. They even have a little girl your age. I wasn't here when Zoey was adopted. I have no idea who the family is but I can assure she's safe and happy

Katie: That's great. Thanks Officer Garcia. I knew she was up for adoption I just didn't except her to be taken so quickly but it's hard to ignore a cute face like hers. See you later sir *Sadly leaves and goes home*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now