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George: Oh I see

Logan: I've got to go but we'll talk later this afternoon. I'll go to the garden and we can FaceTime again

George: Awesome sounds like a plan

Logan: Bye *Signs off* Ok Carlos do you remember what area in the living room your shoes were?

Carlos: By the couch I think or maybe near the tv. I don't know *Sighs into his hands*

Logan: Amigo relax. We'll find them

Carlos: It's almost time for school

Logan: Why is it so important for you to wear this specific pair today? Are you trying to impress a girl you like?

Carlos: No. Kelly told me my fashion choices make me look too serious in photoshoots and she knows I'm NEVER serious so she told me to look like I'm actually having fun

Logan: Gotcha. You search behind the couch. I'll look under the coffee table *Gets on his hands and knees*

Kendall:(confused) Logan what are you doing?

Logan: Huh? *Lifts his head then hits it on the table* Ow! *Rubs it*

Carlos: He's helping me look for my shoes. Don't yell at him. Yell at me

Kendall: Um..Carlos

Carlos: You told me to be ready and I'm not

Kendall: Carlos...

Carlos: I'm so irresponsible

Kendall: Earth to Carlos!

Carlos: What?

Kendall: I'm not going to yell at you. I only told you I would be mad to get you work faster. I thought it would make you more efficient. I wasn't trying to stress you out. I'm sorry 

Carlos: That's ok. And I found my shoes *Holds them up*

Kendall: Good

Logan: How's James feeling?

Kendall: He looks fine but he has a fever and he says his throat hurts

Logan: Aww that's unfortunate. Does he need any medicine? How high is his fever?

Kendall: Its low. When I checked with the thermometer it was 99.8 so I gave him what my mom gives us when we're sick and told him to stay hydrated

Logan: That's good

*The tall brunette walks in coughing and looks miserable* (raspy) I don't understand. I work out everyday and I eat healthy foods. How am I sick?

Logan: You're not immune to illnesses just cuz you eat healthy and exercise

James: But I make sure I never get sick. Am I doing something wrong?

Logan: No. You're a teenager and you're young. It's part of life

James: I guess I deserve this for being a bad friend. I've been a jerk lately and this is my punishment

Logan: No James that's not it at all. Just relax you'll be fine

James: What about rehearsal?

Kendall: Don't worry about that? Gustavo will have to accept that when we're sick we can't work

James: But my beautiful voice is gone. It's ruined. I'm not special anymore

Carlos: Here hold Donnie. Whenever I'm feeling sad he always helps me feel better and he can help you too *Gives him the action figure*

James: Thanks for letting me borrow your TMNT do-I mean action figure

Carlos: You're welcome and you're very special

Kendall: Just relax in the living room on the couch. Katie time to go

*She comes out of her room and sees James* Whoa, what happened to you? Did a bus hit you?

James:(sarcastic) You're hilarious. Obviously I'm sick

Katie: Sheesh I was just trying to help you feel better with a joke. No need to be so snappy

James: I'm sorry. *Sneezes* My brain feels sick too *Lies down on the couch*

*The rest of them leave for school*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now