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Logan: The nearest train station is like 2 hours from here. We've got to get there now

Officer Garcia: Ok, I'll get my team right on it

Katie: I know he can be annoying sometimes and a huge pain in the backside but I really really miss him. I shouldn't of called him all those names. I shouldn't of told him Olivia would break up with him

Kendall: It's not your fault Katie. He got himself into this mess. We're just bailing him out of it

Officer Garcia: My team is in route. They found him walking into the train station. Surprisingly he's the only one there. I'll be right back *Leaves out*

*At Train Station*

*James hears sirens and turns around to the see the police squad so he puts his hands up in surrender not knowing what else to do. He's frozen in his steps*

Officer Garcia: James its ok. Don't be scared. We came here to help you. Get in the car

James: Where are you taking me?

Officer Garcia: Home

James: I don't belong there. They hate me

Officer Garcia: Nobody hates you. They're worried sick about you

James: I can't go back. I have to go to Minnesota

Officer Garcia: Won't you miss everyone?

James: Yes sir. I will

Officer Garcia: Don't you think it's a good idea to come back?

James: No sir I do not

Officer Garcia: You're right. You should go back to Minnesota. Don't worry about what will happen here. The band will just be in complete without you. It might take weeks maybe months to find a replacement. Sweet little Katie will grow up without you. She'll go to college one day and you won't  be there to celebrate. But that's all fine cuz you'll be thousands of miles away shoveling snow for pocket change instead making millions of girls happy with you sweet voice. So go ahead buy a ticket and get on the train. We won't stop you

Squad Member:(whispers) Uh sir, what did you just do?

Officer Garcia: Wait for it. 3,2,1

James: Ok, ok! I'll go with you. You give great advice *Gets in the car*

*To Squad Member* Reverse psychology. Works in interrogations. Works on teenagers. The boy isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.  He's very gullible

Squad Member: Smart move sir

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now