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James: This is great. Now I have to deal with Olivia

George: You're all she could talk about when we were training the animals. She would say how much dedication you put into your relationship with her. She was just gushing over you. It was really nice to hear

James: Wow, that's awesome but how do I make it up to her?

George: I don't know. You're the one who called yourself a girl expert

Logan: Yeah that backfired on him. No surprise there

*Max and Kenny laugh*

James: Ok wise guy. Do you have any ideas?

Logan: I told you earlier before we left that you're on your own with this. I know you can do this James. Think hard. Use that big brain of yours. You're smart

James: But I don't know what to do

Logan: Then go for a walk to clear your mind. You might come across a great idea

James: Ok

Logan: Just don't stay out too late. You know Ms. Knight is about curfew and tomorrow is Monday

James: Ok, I'll be home soon *Leaves*

*After 2 hours he goes to Apartment 2J*

Logan: Any luck? *He's logged onto Dungeons and Dragons*

James: No not really

Logan: Sleep on it

James: Ok

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now