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Kendall: What can we do then Logan?

Logan: I don't know yet but I'll think of something

*Since they're already wide awake they don't go back to sleep and watch tv and eat breakfast*

*Later that day Katie goes to Palm Woods Park and sits on a bench *Jesse sees her*

Jesse: Hey Katie what's wrong?

Katie:(quietly) Nothing *Looks at the ground and kicks a rock*

Jesse: I just wanna help you. Please let me

Katie: There's nothing you can really do

Jesse: Well if you tell me your problem maybe we can think of a solution together

Katie: I doubt it

Jesse: Ok well have a nice day. I'll leave you alone now *Walks away*

Katie: Jesse wait. I'm sorry I was rude. It's just that this problem I'm having is really really personal and I'm not sure if you'll be able to help me with it

Jesse: I understand. Whenever I'm having a problem it's hard for me to tell Jamie the whole story. I don't want to worry her too much

Katie: I do that sometimes with the boys. They always want to know what's bothering me

Jesse: That's good that they care so much

Katie: Yeah it sure is. Ok my problem is that early this morning Tyler's mom came to my apartment demanding that Tyler come with her for an audition and she ended my friendship with him. This is the 2nd time she's done that. She just can't stand that he wants to be a normal kid. I don't know what to do. Last time she did it we were able to convince to let us be friends again but I don't think it'll work this time. (Sighs) She's just too mean

Jesse: I've never met her before but she sounds like a nightmare

Katie: She definitely is

Jesse: Well all I can say is that you and Tyler have the greatest friendship I've ever seen. Jamie went through the same issue

Katie: What happened?

Jesse: She had this one friend named Hannah who would always get her into trouble. It was never on purpose but they got in a lot of trouble in school and my dad didn't like that. He told her they couldn't be friends cuz Hannah was a bad influence but my mom told him Hannah just needed to be taught the right things and could learn a lot from Jamie. Over the years their friendship got better but eventually Hannah moved away and they haven't talked since

Katie:(worried) Are you saying that I might be a bad influence on Tyler and that he'll move away?

Jesse: No, I'm just saying that might be how Tyler's mom feels. You're a great influence on me so I know you're a great influence on him too

Katie: Thanks Jesse

Jesse: You're welcome

*Walks up to them* Tyler: Hey guys. I'm moving back to Indiana to focus on my acting career and I'll be homeschooled from now on. My mom wanted me to tell you this to bum you out. I think she's lost her mind but there's nothing I can do about it. So um..bye. We're leaving today *Sadly walks away*

Jesse: Ok that was totally bad timing. I had no idea that would actually happen

Katie: I know Jesse. Thanks for trying to cheer me up. You're really good at it *Walks back to the Palm Woods to the pool* Kendall, Kendall!

Kendall: What's wrong Katie? Are you hurt?

Katie: No I'm ok. I'm not hurt but Tyler is moving back to Indiana. Do something!

Kendall: Katie we talked about this I can't do anything about his mom's choices for him

Katie: But, but, but!

Kendall: I'm sorry *Takes a drink from his pink smoothie* So she grabs it and splashes it in his face*

Katie: Jerk! You don't wanna do anything cuz you don't care! *Angrily walks away*

*Kendall just sighs and Jo looks at him*

Not one word

Jo: I wasn't going to say anything *Gives him some napkins* But Tyler is really important to her. Wouldn't you like to do something?

Kendall: Of course I would but you know Tyler's mom can be. She's mean and overbearing and just hard to tolerate. What am I suppose to do?

*In Apartment 2J*

Logan: Really? Tyler is moving back to Indiana?

Katie: Uh-huh. What are we going to do Logan? You have a plan don't you? *Looks at him with pleading eyes*

Logan: Katie even if I did have a plan I'm not sure how it would work

Katie: But he's leaving today. I'll never see him again

Logan: I know it's hard *Hugs her* How about you make this last day with Tyler the best day ever for him? Make the most of it.

Katie: Sure I guess I can do that. Thanks Logan *Leaves back out and texts Tyler who has to sneak out to meet her in Palm Woods Park* Logan told me to make this the best day ever for you. So what do you wanna do?

Tyler: I don't really know

Katie: Why should you have to leave? We should hide out to teach your mom a lesson

Tyler: Are you sure that'll work?

Katie: It's the only idea I have

Tyler: Ok

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now