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George: So will you

Carlos: Thanks. Are you ready to look at the spiders again?

George: Um...sure I think so *Nervously gulps and walks back to the terrarium* This isn't so bad. They're still hideous disgusting creatures but I think I might have a new respect for them

Emma: That's great

George: To be honest I'm glad your brother isn't here or he would tease me about my spider fear and I do NOT need that from him

Emma: Oh don't worry about that. He'll never know. I've got your back. Always

George: Thanks Emma

*Next they go to a room called the Naturalist Center*

Logan: Wow all these specimen are incredible. Gosh I love science. If only Phoebe Nachee were here. She could do some calculations on everything and specify how to learn more about these animals. She would make a great partner

Camille: You know I'm standing right here right?

Logan: Oh come on you know you're my girl. You're the most awesome girl in the world and Phoebe is amazing but you are too *Nervously laughs*

Camille: You're lucky you're cute *Laughs and ruffles his hair*

Kendall: Camille I think he loves Phoebe more than you sometimes *Laughs* Ow! *Logan punched his arm* I was just joking dude

Logan: Yeah I know. Sorry

George: Logan look at all these amazing books and magazines. This place is paradise

James: Why are you two geeking out? *Katie punches his arm* Ow! I didn't call them geeks! I asked why they were geeking out! Sheesh, everything I say sounds bad to you now? *She just groans and punches his arm again* Ow! That really hurts. Ok I know I hurt your feelings but please stop hitting me

Kendall: Katie come here please *Kneels down to het level* I know you're mad at him. I am too but violence is never the answer. Ok? *She sighs and nods then glares at James and walks away*

James: Thanks Kendall. Why did you do that for me?

Kendall: Brothers stick together. Even if they do a horrible thing to their sister. She's ten dude. Whatever she's planning for you in L.A. won't kill you but you'll probably wish you were dead

James: Um..thanks I think

Kenny: Hey there's all kinds of activities for us to do. For all ages

Carlos:(excited) Arts and Crafts. I've been a pro at this since kindergarten but I did get in trouble for running with the safety scissors

*Laughs* Max: I'm not surprised *Laughs with him*

*They all do a scavenger hunt, play games and guess what's in the mystery box then get an opportunity to observe the different species in the room*

*After they leave they look at the rest of the exhibits in the Osher Rainforest* They look at the Grainy Cochran Frog aka the glass frog cuz the belly is translucent and it reveals all the bones and organs. They also look at the second largest chameleon in the world the Outstalet's Chameleon and
finally they look at a toxic frog called the Golden Mantella and a bird called the Blue-Necked Tanager*

Logan: Carlos you're going to love this plant. It produces something lots of people crave. This is the Theobroma caco

Carlos:(confused) I don't understand

Logan: Well I used the Latin term. That's the scientific way of identifying it

Carlos: But I don't know what you said

Logan: Ok I'll break it down for you. What do you think cacao means? Think carefully. It's a food item

Carlos: This is hard

Logan: It's brown. It can come in all shapes and sizes. It can even be a drink. What's a fun drink that's made in the winter time?

Carlos: Hot coco

Logan: Correct so what do you think this plant is?

Carlos: A coco plant?

Logan: Precisely. The theobroma cacao plant is what chocolate is made from

*Squeals with excitement* Carlos: Really? That's awesome!

Logan: You're right it most certainly is

Miss Collins: Very good carefully explaining that to him Logan. I know how hard it is for him to understand stuff. You're very patient with him

Logan: I have to be.*Exasperated sigh* I live with him

*At Lunch they all go to the cafe*

*James sees a piece of chocolate cake at the desert bar but Katie snatches it and snarls at him then walks away* He sighs and grabs a strawberry jell-o then goes to his table*

Carlos: Our princessà is being very um...toxic towards you isn't she?

James: Yeah she sure is

Carlos: You want me to talk to her?

James: What good will that do?

Carlos: Maybe she'll ease up on her anger towards you

James: That's not gonna happen. When I saw her face it was full of rage and betrayal. I know I've messed up and gotten her mad at me before and she's forgiven me but I doubt she'll ever forgive me for this. I really really really blew it this time. I over reacted. I just see her so much as a little girl and when she started hanging out with Jesse something in me just snapped and I just had to protect her but I went completely overboard and she actually said she hates me *Sighs into his hands* I love that little munchkin. I can't live a life where she hates me and now she's not even talking to me

Carlos: Well I know deep down inside she still loves you dearly

James: I don't think that's true at all. I'm doomed

*After lunch they return to the hotel*

*In BTR's room*

*The boys are relaxing after a long day* Expect for James* He's nervously pacing back and forth*

Kendall: Uh..James if you keep doing that you're going to make a hole in the floor

James: I can't help it. I'm in a crisis here! Back off!

Kendall: Whoa dude I'm just sitting here reading my hockey magazine. I'm not the one who upset Katie. You are

*James lunges at him but Logan holds him back* What the heck is wrong with you James?! He was speaking the truth! Now calm down!

James: I'm a monster. I'm sorry Kendall. I'm so sorry *Barricades himself in the closet*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now