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Kendall:(sighs) It's going to be a very long day

Miss Collins: Ok class it looks like we'll be at the museum in about approximately 2 hours but don't worry it's still early. Our day will still be fully educational and fun. So just entertain yourselves. We might be there sooner if the traffic clears up

Logan: California has the worst traffic. I can see the museum we're just too far away from it *Sighs and sits back in his seat and closes his eyes*

Carlos: Logan why are you sleeping? Are you tired?

*Eyes still closed* Logan: It's just a way to past the time Carlos

Carlos: Does your side hurt?

Logan: Not at the moment why?

Carlos: I'm just making sure you're ok

Logan: That's very sweet of you buddy. Thank you

Carlos: You're welcome. (Sighs) I'm bored *Slumps down in his seat* But I understand you don't want to be bothered. I'll respect that

Camille: Kind of early to be taking a nap

Carlos: He calls it "resting his brain" he doesn't nap he "recharges"

Camille: He'll take anything so simple and make it so scientific. That's hilarious

Carlos: He's always done that

Camille: You don't think it's cheesy?

Carlos: No not really

Camille: Ok cool

James: As soon as he's finished "recharging" he'll be ready to be a snobby know it all

Logan: Just cuz my eyes are closed doesn't mean I can't hear you James. And this isn't the time or place to be insulting me especially in front of Katie who is still mad at you. So shut your mouth and lose the nasty attitude. I'm not a snobby know it all. I just love learning. There's a difference between bragging about being smart and enjoying being smart. I don't appreciate how you're treating me and I want it to stop right now

Carlos: James seriously what's your problem? Logan is a genius. He's never ever just acted like a snobby know it all. He's always been a good friend to you. And I wish I wasn't your travel buddy but I don't have choice

George: I don't know whose worse. You or Daniel. You both have major anger issues

Katie: You'll never change (sighs) I honestly thought you had a chance but I was so very wrong

James: I really am a monster. I'm just like my dad

Kendall: You're not a monster. You're a teenager whose been plagued with a huge ego and severe insecurity

James:(sarcasm) Thanks Dr. Phil

Kendall: It's the cold hard truth. Deal with it

*After 30 minutes most of the class is asleep cuz the bus is warm from the sun even though the air conditioner is on. The heat is soothing and relaxing*

*They're startled by a loud siren and they all look out the windows and see 2 police cars, a fire truck and an ambulance going fast up the street*

Logan: There must've been an accident. That's why there's a traffic jam

Carlos: I hope they're ok. You think they're ok?

Logan: They might be but there's probably some injuries

Carlos: My Papì can help them. He's probably been called to the scene. If we see him up there I hope he sees us too

Logan: He'll be too busy with the accident to notice us buddy

Carlos: I know but it's a nice thought

Logan: Yeah it is. Keep being sweet and lovable. I know this is off topic but there is a girl out there for you. Trust me

Carlos: But all the girls at the Palm Woods think I'm weird. They only like me cuz I'm in the band. They would rather get a picture and autograph from me then actually get to know me. (Sighs) There's no hope for me

Logan: Remember when we were in middle school and I was sad girls didn't like me? Remember how you helped me feel better by staying positive? I'm going to do the same thing for you. I'm going to stay positive for you. Camille is awesome and you'll find an awesome girl too. Don't give up. Ok?

Carlos: Ok Logie. I won't give up. I'll never give up *Smiles real big and
hugs him*

Logan: You're welcome buddy. Can't breath Carlos

Carlos: Sorry *Quickly lets go*

Logan: I'm ok. Don't worry

*The cars in front of them slowly start to move. After about 30 minutes they're at the scene of the accident which is very minor. The victims are dazed but otherwise ok. Carlos' dad isn't there and he's sad*

*After another hour they're at the museum* The entire class is eager to get off the bus after being confined inside for so long* They get off and stretch their legs and arms before going inside the building*

Jesse: Hey Katie I want to take you somewhere special tonight. When we get back to the hotel meet me at the arcade. Ok?

Katie: Sounds like a plan

*Jesse smiles and hugs her*

*James witnesses the entire conversation and sighs trying to fight his overprotective urges*

Kendall: They'll be fine James

James: But he's taking her somewhere secret

Kendall: Relax they're just going to hang out and if you interfere she will break every bone in your body. So I highly suggest as your friend that you DO NOT bother them. Ok?

James: Yeah I understand

Kendall: Fantastic

Miss Collins: Ok class today we'll be exploring an exhibit called Twilight Zone: Deep Reefs Revealed. This should be really really fun especially for those of you who like learning about cool and bizarre animals of the ocean

*Once they take the elevator to the floor of the exhibit everyone gets off and spreads out*

George: Wow this place is amazing

Emma: It sure is *Her phone rings* Hello? Daniel why are you calling me? I can't be on my phone right now. What do you mean you can't find Prince Harry? Did you lose him? I swear if he's lost him you're going to be in so much trouble. Aren't you in school right now? You shouldn't be on your phone. You haven't left yet? Was Prince Harry in the apartment last night? He was? Good. Then he's probably just hiding in my room. He likes to play in the covers. Keep calling his name. Ok I've got to go. Bye *Hangs up and sighs*

George: Are you ok Emma?

Emma: Yeah, but Daniel is really pushing my buttons. He really doesn't want to watch my cats anymore and now he's telling me he can't find Prince Harry. I hope he's just joking cuz I really don't want animals in danger

George: When Ozzie was missing I literally lost my mind. I was so worried I got sick. I hope for your sake Prince Harry is still at home and your brother is just messing with you

Emma: I can't imagine what you must've went through. All the emotional and mental trauma you experienced must've been so hard

George: It was. And I think about it everyday of everything wrong that could've happened

Emma: Why?

George: I have really bad anxiety and it's hard for me to control my emotions. I take medicine. It helps but I still get easily stressed out. Anyway I'm sure your cats are just fine

Emma: Thanks George. And I'm glad you shared something so personal about yourself

George: Besides Camille you're the only girl I can comfortably talk to about this to. And Katie. She's so understanding

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now