
17 1 3

James: Being in solidarity confinement gave me a lot of time to think and I know what I did last night was way out of line and it isn't at all Katie's fault. I over reacted and I'm really sorry

Carlos: You knocked them both out and choked me and all you can say is that you're sorry?! Kendall's brain is all messed up! He keeps talking to a wall cuz he has a concussion!!

Logan: He's doing much better now. I told him to take a nap and listen to relaxing music. I think he's just about healed

James: I know I'm strong but I didn't know I was that strong. But Logan you're so small and scrawny. It's easy for you to be overpowered

Logan:(sarcasm) Gee thanks for the enlightening compliment

Carlos: Why do you keep saying anything?! It's like your mouth is possessed! You just keep blurting out insults!

*James is speechless and just shamefully looks down*

Logan: Ok, Carlos calm down. Just relax. Go do your homework then you can watch whatever you want on TV

Carlos: Ok *Grabs his book bag and goes to the bedroom he and James share*

Logan: Katie come down we're going to visit George. Kendall stay here and make sure Carlos doesn't do anything he'll regret especially if it involves James* Leaves out*

*At George's Apartment in his room* Hey George

George: Hi Logan. How are you feeling?

Logan: Much better. How are you feeling?

George: I could be better

Logan: I have another visitor for you

*Katie timidly walks in* Hi George

George: Hi Katie. Come on in it's ok

*Katie walks in the room and looks at his cast* He notices and gets an idea*

You wanna sign it?

Katie: Sign it? Your cast?

George: Sure and when it's taken off I'll keep it as a souvenir

Katie: Sure *Hs gives her a sharpie and and writes a thoughtful message on it*

George: That's a very kind note Katie. Thank you

Katie: You're welcome

George: Logan and I were hanging out one day and we were joking around that if something ever happened to me you could be my doctor

Katie: I think that's a great idea

George: Awesome. What do you suggest I do first?

Katie: Animal therapy

George: Cool. Ozzie come here *The cat looks at him and runs out of the room* That's the opposite of come here you weirdo! *Sighs and face palms*

Katie: What's that all about?

George: I don't know. He's impossible to understand. Some days he's on his best behavior. Other days like today he's just being difficult

*Athena jumps on the bed and purrs against his neck* Good girl. That's my sweet baby girl *Rubs her back* At least you care about my health unlike someone we know

*Ozzie comes running back in the room and pounces hard on the injured leg unaware of the problem he's causing*

Ow! Ozzie! No pouncing!

*Ozzie hisses and moans*

Don't use that tone with me mister. You're the one who just body slammed my leg you furry little devil!

Katie: This is hilarious

George: Oh trust me it's so NOT

*Katie just laughs*

Logan: Thanks for helping her feel better 

George: You're welcome. I had a good talk with Tiberius earlier. Last night he just listened to me so well

Katie: Last night I told him how I felt about your situation. He just sat there and looked at me with most compassionate eyes. I never really imagined a reptile could care so much. He's one amazing little guy

George: He sure is. Your mom explained to me what happened last night when she dropped him off and I'm still confused. So James got so mad that he choked Carlos and knocked Logan and Kendall out?

Katie: Yeah that's right

Logan: Kendall had a temporary concussion. He's better now. He kept talking to a wall

George: James is dangerous

Logan: He spent the night in solitary confinement at the police station. Officer Garcia took him there and dropped him off back home this morning

George: He was arrested?

Logan: No but he did leave in handcuffs. I think it was only a scare tactic

George: Gosh it must've been scary being in jail even though it was only 24 hours. How was he feeling when he returned?

Logan: Seemed pretty normal to me. He was apologetic but we're all still mad at him

George: Why do you think he keeps losing his temper? It's been happening a lot lately

Logan:(sighs) I wish I knew. All he keeps doing is blame his dad

George: I know his parents are divorced but is his dad exactly as he says he is? Is he really like mean?

Logan: Anytime I've been around him he was always nice to me. He's a really cool laid back guy who has a very complicated and confusing relationship with James. They used to be really close and after the divorce everything went south. I feel bad for both of them. James was never the same after that. He was usually so well behaved in school then he started being rebellious and ignored the teachers. He told me that all the happiness inside left when his father did. Don't tell him I told you all this. I feel like I violated our friendship by saying all that

George: I won't say anything about it to him. When did all the bad behavior is school start with him?

Logan: It was minor in elementary school. Like in 5th grade. Then it got worse in middle and high school. He was in detention at least twice a week (Sighs) He would always take his anger out at hockey practice. He dislocated his right shoulder from shooting the puck too hard and was benched for a week cuz he kept breaking all the hockey sticks with his knees every time we lost a scrimmage. I just wish I could help him understand he's not in this alone and that he has friends who want to help him. Happiness for him is rare these days. I hardly ever see him smile anymore. He's been putting all his time and energy on over protecting Katie that he never focuses on just being happy

George: I'm not a therapist but I do know when I see a great friend. Logan your compassion for him is just incredible

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