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*10 minutes later they arrive and surprisingly Emma and Olivia are with them*

Hailey: He sure is a cutie pie

Olivia: Super duper cute

George: Yeah those eyes are so lovable

Emma: Those little paws are too

Tyler: Thank you for coming guys

George: I'm glad I'm here. My cats were driving me crazy. I needed a break. My arms are sore from pushing my wheelchair all the way here though but I'm ok

Tyler: Hailey how did you name your dog Daisy?

Hailey: The first thing she did when we brought her home was knock over my mom's pot of planted daisies. And it was the only name she would answer to

Tyler: Cool

George: How can Emma and I even help? We're cat owners

Tyler: I know but you're all pet owners. You have experience. You know exactly what to do. I don't. Katie and I could really use some advice please

Hailey: Sure no problem. Did you know having a pet reduces stress and helps you live longer?

Tyler: Yeah we knew that. Really cool fact

George: Ozzie doesn't exactly reduce stress for me. He actually creates it. Athena is good at helping me relax. Tiberius is always so chill. Anyway don't worry I'm sure your pets will improve you lives greatly

Olivia: Yeah you'll do great

Emma: And you'll have so much fun

Tyler: That's great cuz we're excited

Katie: So excited

Tyler: I've got it. I've got the perfect name. I'm from Indiana. And I love Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. I'll name my new puppy Indiana Jones and his nickname will be Indy

Katie: That's a fantastic name Tyler.

Tyler: Thanks

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now