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Katie: Thanks Logan. I know we should've done this sooner

Logan: You're scared, you're anxious, and you're stressed out. I completely understand. Tomorrow is Saturday. Come with me down to the science center. I go there to de stress and it works every time

Katie: Don't you get recognized?

Logan: That's the beauty of it. They don't care if I'm famous. They're just happy to see a science lover. It's the only place I find peace in this crazy city

Tyler: Are there kids our age there?

Logan: Not as much as I would want to see. The most I've seen are usually school groups or camps

Katie: Sure Logan we'll go

Tyler: Sounds like fun

Logan: Great. And also tomorrow we'll go talk to Officer Garcia. Whoever that guy was that you keep seeing will eventually have to be locked up

Katie: He left the scene like a coward today. Why do you think he wanted to steal Daisy?

Logan: He probably thought she was valuable and worth a large profit

Katie: She is very valuable to Hailey and to her she's priceless

Logan: I know and now they're both safe. Get some rest guys you've had a long week
*Leaves the room and everyone goes to bed*

*Saturday morning* Katie and Tyler get up and dressed and eat breakfast*

Kendall: Hey guys I'm sorry I snapped at you last night

Katie: That's ok we're not mad anymore

Kendall: Ok, good. Any plans for today?

Katie: Logan is taking us to the science center

Kendall: That's awesome. I want to know all you learned when you get back. I'm curious

Katie: We'll tell you everything

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now