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*In the Boys' Room*

*Jesse is on the phone with Jamie* Hey big sis. The field trip is going great I'm having a lot of fun. You think I'm sad? How can you tell? Maternal instincts? That's weird. Yeah it is. Anyway I don't really want to talk about my problem right now. Cuz it's personal. No I'm not insecure about my feelings. I'm in a room with some boys in my class. I'll talk to you about it later. Ok? I love you too. Bye *Hangs up*

George: It'll be ok dude. James doesn't mean to be so hostile. His relationship with Katie is incredible

Jesse: I know but I'm worried I ruined it

George: You didn't ruin anything but I know exactly how you feel. Emma's older brother Daniel gives me a hard time too. He thinks I'm not good enough for her. He even came to the set of the show I'm on and shoved me down cuz Emma is my new co star. He didn't know I worked there. Luckily the security guards are my friends. They took him off of the set. Anyway don't worry I'm sure James will realize his mistake and try to make it up to both you and Katie. That's the downside of liking a girl with an older sibling. Drama starts

Jesse: That's true but I don't have a crush on Katie. I just like her as a friend. I'm only 2 years older and one grade up of her. I think that freaked James out. He said she needs to me with a guy her age and height. I'm not even that much taller than her. I'm like probably five inches. My doctor says I'm short for my age

George: Wow that's not so bad

Jesse: I know right. (Sighs) I'm going to get something from the vending machine. Anybody want anything?

George: No thanks

Tyler: I'm good

Max: Not hungry

Kenny: Me too

Jesse: Ok

Tyler: I'll go with you. We need more ice

Jesse: Ok *They leave*

*While they're at the vending machine and ice machine area Tyler senses that they're being watched so he turns around and is startled when he sees James*

Jesse: Tyler what's wrong? Are you ok? *Finally notices James* (nervous) What do you want?

James: Just need more ice for the room

Tyler: I'm using the machine. You'll have to wait. Jerk face!

James: Ok, I'll wait. Can we talk Jesse?

Jesse: This isn't the time or place to talk. I'm sorry James. *Grabs his snack out of the machine* I'm going to be completely honest with you. I'm terrified of you. I care so much about Katie but if my friendship with her bothers you so much then I'll end it. I just don't want to cause anymore trouble

Tyler: You're a bully James. *Knocks down his ice bucket out of his hand and walks away with Jesse*

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