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Logan: Thanks

George: You're welcome

Katie: Ugh, my impatient brother wants us to come home now. (Sighs) He doesn't respect you Logan. He knows George is injured and won't even respect that you're supporting him. He says it's way too late to be out. It's only 7:30

Logan: Ok, lets just go before he pops a vain. Bye George

George: Bye guys

*Ozzie runs to Katie and paws at her pant leg meowing loudly*

Katie: What's wrong Ozzie? Are you ok?

George: He wants to go with you. As if I don't care for him *Sighs face palming*
He is so weird

Katie: Aww that's so sweet Ozzie but you belong here with George. He needs you right now *Picks him up and puts him on the bed then leaves out with Logan*

*In Apartment 2J*

Kendall: I'm sorry for rushing you guys home and being anxious I just didn't want to be alone with James. I sent Carlos out to take a walk cuz he was having some kind of mental breakdown and blabbering in Spanish. He should be back soon

Logan: Where's James?

Kendall: In their room sleeping. He didn't want dinner. All he did was homework and never left the room

Katie: Tomorrow you should go visit George. He'll be happy to see you

Kendall: I'll think about it. Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to do it

Katie: Why wouldn't you have time? You got a secret job?

Kendall: No silly it's just that our rehearsals sometimes are longer than usual and when I get back home I normally don't feel like doing anything else that requires a lot of effort

Katie: But he's your friend, you should make time for him. He would do it for you

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now