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Katie: I know just where to go too and we need Logan for this. As my gift to you we'll tell him about the secret clubhouse

Tyler: Thanks Katie

*Walks up to them* Logan: Hey guys what's up? Is everything ok?

Katie: Yeah we're fine. It's just that we have to tell you something but you've got to promise you'll keep it a secret

Logan: Sure what is it?

Katie: What we've been working on for weeks. Buddha Bob helped us out. Follow us and get ready to crawl

Logan: Um...ok *Follows them to the secret spot* Why are we crawling? Where are we? I've never seen this part of the park before

Katie: Tyler and I found this secret secluded spot weeks ago. Buddha Bob built a secret clubhouse for us to hang out in

Tyler: It's only for kids like us but you're always welcome to join

Logan: Aww guys this is so cute. I understand now why you don't want anyone else to know about it

Katie: Come on in

Logan: I think I'm too tall

Tyler: That sucks

Logan: I'm sorry guys I wish I could fit

Katie: That's ok Logan

Logan: The inside does look amazing and exterior is beautiful. Such a little paradise

Katie: Yep thanks for being so supportive

Tyler: We couldn't trust anyone else but you

Logan: What about Carlos? You can trust him

Katie: That's true but he might accidentally mess up and expose our secret. You know how excited he can get. You know he's a chatter box

Logan: You're right he is quite the chatter box but he doesn't mean any harm *Gets up and leaves*

Katie: Maybe This isn't the best place to hide out at. We have to leave the premises

Tyler: You mean run away?

Katie: Yeah

Tyler: Wow this is crazy

Katie: It's your mom's fault

Tyler: You're right and I don't wanna move away. I tried to tell her that I love being in California but she wouldn't listen to me. I'm not even supposed to be talking to you right now. She only told me to tell you that we're moving. She wanted me to make you upset on purpose. It's her way of punishing you

Katie: We're both powerless to stop her anyway. I hope you find happiness again

Tyler: I'm not happy unless I'm with you Katie

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ