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*The class observes jellyfish and unique creatures that live in the twilight zone. They learn about research on coral reefs and how the sun and moon influence the sea* They all participate in an activity that involves the ocean's chemistry. Logan and George excel in it immediately cuz they're excited about the pH part of the experiment* 

*After the activity is over they go to the cafe for lunch and return to the hotel*

*Later that night as planned Katie meets Jesse at the entrance of the arcade* Where are you taking me?

Jesse: Somewhere awesome. Come on *They go to the roof of the hotel where public access is* There's lawn chairs everywhere along with a bar*
Isn't this a beautiful view?

Katie: It sure is. All the lights and sounds. It's incredible. Thanks for showing me. It's just so relaxing. 

Jesse: Jamie always tells me that I should never let the pressure of Hollywood consume me. And I think I've succeeded with that. Out here it's just a way to escape all that chaos. Do you ever feel that kind of pressure growing up in the spotlight?

Katie: Yeah sometimes. The guys are awesome and I enjoy living here. I never imagined my life would change so quickly

Jesse: I understand. Did you really mean what you said when you told James you hate him? Was that just anger or did you truly mean it?

Katie: It's complicated. I don't want to hate him but I truly do right now. I just don't know what to do *Sighs into her hands*

Jesse: It's ok Katie. I'll help you through this

Katie: Thanks *They're startled by a noise* What was that?

Jesse: Looks like the wind knocked down a cup *Points to it*

Katie: Ok good. Wait I hear something else

Jesse: I don't hear anything

Katie: Listen very closely. It's footsteps

Jesse: I do hear them. Who's there? Come out and show yourself! *Protectively steps in front of Katie*

*They hear some wind chimes then see a face appear followed by two hands up in surrender then a familiar voice*

Both:(extremely confused) James?!

James: Yeah its me

Katie: What are you doing here?! Did you follow us?! Were you spying on us?!

James: I'm protecting you from whatever ulterior motive he has

Jesse:(confused) Um...what ulterior motive?

James: I don't know. Anything really bad and violent

Katie: You don't get do you? We were up here to just relax!!  Oh my gosh you're horrible *They all go back inside and she storms into BTR's room* You seem to be missing someone *Shoves the talk brunette in the room*

Kendall: James! Where were you?! You never even told us you left! Are you crazy?!

Katie: I'll tell you where he was. This maniacal creep stalked me and Jesse all the way to the hotel roof and ruined our peaceful relaxing moment and accused Jesse of trying to do something bad to me

Kendall: I told you not to get involved James. You told me you wouldn't!  You lied. How can you ever be trusted?!

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now