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*James sighs and refills the ice bucket then returns to the room*

Gosh I'm a horrible person

Kendall: What's wrong NOW?

James: I saw Jesse and Tyler at the vending machine and ice machine. Jesse told me he's terrified of me and is going to end his friendship with Katie. Tyler called me a bully. (Sighs) I really messed up

Carlos: Yeah you sure did

Logan: Let's hope tomorrow is better. Goodnight

James: I could really use some advice

Kendall: I gave you plenty of advice in the arcade. You didn't listen to me

Logan: Guys I'm really tired. Can we please turn off all the lights?

Kendall: Yeah we're going to bed now. Sorry about that Logan *Turns off the lights*

*Around 2:30 in the morning in the Boys' room George's phone rings and it startles him awake and luckily no one else wakes up* (sleepy whisper) Hello?

Daniel: I need your help with Spike

George:(confused) Daniel? How did you get my number? I never gave it to you

Daniel: That's not important right now. Just tell what to do

*Walks into the bathroom and closes the door*  George: What are you talking about? What's the problem? And do you realize what TIME it is?!

Daniel: Quit your whining and help me! Spike has been hiding under a rock and won't come out when I feed him. I think he's sick! So tell me what to do you doofus!

George: Ok, whoa enough with the name calling and there's something called the internet. Use that to look up whatever the problem is but I'm sure Spike is fine. Just cuz I own a reptile doesn't make me an expert and I don't appreciate the rude wake up call. Do NOT call me again *Hangs up and goes back to bed*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now