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Daniel: What am I suppose to do?

Emma: I don't know Daniel. I'm not the one who broke his foot. Now he doesn't even wanna talk to me. He told me he doesn't want to ruin the relationship you and I have
Only problem is you and I no longer have a relationship. You and I aren't friends anymore. Consider us room mates now. Thanks for ruining my life. You must be so proud of yourself. You finally got what you wanted *Goes to her room and the cats follow her*

*At Apartment 2J*

*Logan is in the couch with laptop*

James: What are you looking up?

Logan: Ways to help George cope. Max and Kenny told me he's extremely depressed and doesn't want to talk to anyone. Not even his parents

James: That's so sad

Logan: Yeah it sure is

James: How are you going to help him if he doesn't wanna talk to anyone?

Logan: I've got my ways

James: I feel bad for him and Daniel. It's not fair for them to be in this feud

Logan: I know

*Back at George's apartment*

*Ozzie and Athena want cheer him up so they bring him their toys but he just turns them away*

Sorry guys I'm not in the mood. Thanks for trying though. I really appreciate it *Rubs their heads*

*They meow and purr then lay down next to each other at the end of the bed* He takes more medicine and goes to sleep*


George's Mom: What do you want for breakfast sweetheart?

George: Yeah my freedom of movement. My life is over *Starts to cry*

George's Mom: It's ok honey. I'll get you whatever you want for breakfast

George: I'm not hungry

George's Mom: Is the pain medication affecting your appetite? I think that's one of the side effects

George: Yeah it makes me feel dizzy too but it really does take the pain away

George's Mom: That's good. How about a grilled cheese sandwich?

George: That sounds great. Thanks mom

George's Mom: You're welcome *Brings him the food*

*Later that day he gets on Dungeons and Dragons and goes to the battle arena* After that he takes a long nap and refuses to eat anything else* He insists on going down to the pool just to get some fresh air but his parents tell him it's not safe for him to be mobile yet*

*He stays upset for about an hour before going to sleep*

*Monday morning*

*Emma goes next door* Good morning George. How are you feeling today?

*George doesn't say anything and turns over to face the window*

Ok I understand you don't feel like talking. Well um..I hope your day goes well *Starts to leave*

George: I'm sorry Emma. Thanks for coming to see me. I'm not mad at you just your brother (sighs) He's a jerk

Emma: It's ok George. And yeah I definitely agree he's a jerk. I live with him. It'll be a miracle when he moves out if he ever moves out but that's years from now. He has plenty of time to grow up

George: Have a good day at school

Emma: Thanks and when I get back can we work out this friendship thing?

George: Emma please you know it's never going to work. Daniel is too important to you

Emma: You're important to me too. Just think about it please *Leaves out*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz