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James: I don't know. I'm sorry

Katie: I don't believe you. You're crazy (sighs) Since you clearly need to always get what you want I'll do it. Jesse we cant continue our friendship. As long as it continues he'll always try to hurt you emotionally, physically and mentally. There's no escape accept to just end everything. I'm sorry it has to be this way. I truly am. It's over

Jesse: Wait Katie please don't do this

Katie: We don't have a choice

*Jesse sadly looks at her then at James* Ok I understand. It was nice while it lasted.
I hope you're happy James. I'm out of her life forever and I won't talk to her ever again. Must feel nice to break her heart cuz for me it's excruciatingly painful. But now you go back to controlling her life (sighs) She's the best friend I've ever had *Goes to his bedroom and Katie goes to hers*

*Everyone goes to bed*


*The class gets up for breakfast*

*Katie sits by herself*

*Walks over to her* Brittany: Hi Katie

Katie: Don't talk to me. I don't like you I will never like you. Now go away before I punch you. I'm serious

Brittany: I just wanted to say that you don't deserve what's been happening to you

Katie: What part of leave me alone don't you understand?! Everything out of your mouth is a lie. You don't care about me and I don't care about you. Go away

Brittany: Ok I'll leave

*Sits next to her* Tyler: Wow she was actually being nice

Katie: Its a trick. Don't believe it. She's manipulative

Tyler: You think you can enjoy the museum trip today?

Katie: I'll do my best

Tyler: Everything will be ok

Katie: I sure hope so

Tyler: Miss Collins said that this will be the best day yet. I sure hope the traffic is better today

Katie: Me too

*On the bus. The traffic is better than the previous days but still slow. All the students groan impatiently as they watch cars, trucks and motorcycles inch on by*

James: You want to watch some hockey videos Carlos? *The young Latino doesn't answer or even look at him* Are you going to be like this all day? Are you still mad about last night? It didn't even involve you. Why do you care so much?

Carlos: Because she's our princessà! *Struggles to control the volume of his voice and groans in his hands rocking back and forth*

Miss Collins: Is everything ok back there?

Logan: Yes ma'am. I've got it
Carlos deep breaths. Just relax

Carlos: I can't, I can't!

Logan: Ok listen very carefully. Close your eyes and think of a very happy place. Think of your favorite moment in your life. What do you see?

Carlos: My Papì and me and a talking corndog playing hockey with kittens on a top of a rainbow

*Stares at him for a minute* Logan: Wow, ok good. Now clear your mind and take a deep breath, count to ten and breath back out. Feeling better?

Carlos: Uh-huh

Logan: Good

Carlos: Thanks Logan. How did you do that? I feel amazing. All the anger went away

Logan: I've been taking an only class called Psychology 101

Camille: What made you want to take that class? The challenge?

Logan: Yeah that and I really need it cuz I live with these three goofballs and a very emotional ten year old girl on the verge of puberty. I've got to be prepared

Camille: Must be stressful living with them

Logan: It can be sometimes

Carlos: We make your life stressful Logan? I had no idea. I'm so sorry *Sadly moves to an empty seat in the back of the bus*

*Logan sighs in his hands not knowing what to do or say*

Camille: I'll go talk to him *Sits across from Carlos* It's not your fault Carlos. It's mine. I shouldn't of asked him that question

Carlos: Why did you ask it?

Camille: I don't know. It just popped out

Carlos: Do you think I make his life stressful? Be honest please

Camille: Well your constantly high energy gives him a headache sometimes

Carlos: Really? I didn't know I upset him that much. I didn't know I was that annoying

Camille: You're not annoying to him

Carlos: You basically just said I was. Gosh I'm an awful friend

Camille: No you're not. You're really really not. He talks about you all the time on our dates. He tells how much kindness and compassion you showed him when you guys were younger. He's told me how you protect any way you can

Carlos: He talks about me?

Camille: Yeah. He talks about you more than Kendall and James

Carlos: Well they weren't always nice to him when we were younger. They still aren't sometimes. Whenever he talks about math they just block him out. I at least try to understand him even though I can't stand math. I respect his love for it. I try my hardest to do well on math tests and quizzes cuz I want him proud of me

Camille: He told how you used to struggle in middle school with Algebra

Carlos: One time I just gave up and tossed my notebook off my desk. I felt like crying. I just couldn't understand no matter how many questions I asked the teacher. And luckily he didn't get mad at me for tossing my notebook. He told me to take a break and sit down in the hallway. Logan sat with me cuz he knew my brain was fried. He missed out on his favorite school subject just to comfort me. That's a true friend. I don't know what I would've done if he wasn't so understanding and thoughtful. I can't imagine my life without him. And when we first met I just wondered why doesn't this awesome kid have any friends yet? Everyone always wants the coolest and popular kids as a friend but not me. I don't care if a kid is rich, has famous parents or is allowed to have parties at their house. That doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is if a kid is kind, funny, caring, thoughtful, smart. Logan is all those things. Kids in elementary school used to call him a wizard cuz he was so smart. He thought it was a compliment until people started leaving mean notes on his desk saying he would die if he were enrolled at Hogwarts. Or that Merlin would let a dragon eat him if he was his apprentice.

Camille: Wow, kids a cruel

Carlos: That's true and after he brought those notes home his mom refused to let him go back to school until she had meeting with the principal and the parents of those mean kids for a proper apology and to make sure disciplinary action happened

Camille: What grade was this?

Carlos: 5th grade

Camille: Yikes just when puberty was starting

Carlos: Exactly which explains why everyone was crazy

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now