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*Later that afternoon James is feeling worse and needs to go to the doctor*

Dr. Hollywood: You have a fever of 101.5 and your throat is very irritated and inflamed. The lymph nodes feel enlarged. Your eyes look horrible and your nose is red on the inside. You definitely have streptococcal pharyngitis

*The teen just looks at him confused then looks at Logan*

Logan: Translation-Strep throat *Doesn't look up from his magazine*

James:(worried) Do I need a shot?

Dr. Hollywood: No you don't

James: What do I need then?

Dr. Hollywood: Lots of fluids and rest. What other ailments do you have?

James: My head feels like it's been pelted with rocks and I feel dizzy whenever I stand up. I was cold and it's always a comfortable temperature in the apartment

Dr. Hollywood: How much did you eat today?

James: Not much. Every time I swallowed my throat felt like it was on fire. *Coughs* I feel awful

Dr. Hollywood: Being sick is never fun

James: It's my dad's fault

Logan:(sighs) Here we go *Rolls his eyes*

Dr. Hollywood: I'm sorry but I fail to see how your father is the cause of this. Please explain

James: He always told me being big and strong means not getting sick. When I was younger he never took a day off work. He wasn't ever sick. When I asked him what his secret was he told me exercising and eating healthy makes him immune to being sick and I believed him

Logan: James you were 8. Kids will believe anything their parents tell them

James: I know but why did he tell me that it's true? He's not a doctor. He doesn't have any medical degrees. He didn't even go to college

Logan: He was probably trying to impress you James

James: By lying to me? Yeah right

Logan: Well it worked. You said you believed him

James: Which was a terrible mistake

Dr. Hollywood: James I've written a prescription for the medicine you need to take. It'll reduce your fever and the other symptoms you have. Don't worry you'll feel better in no time at all. Ok?

James: Ok *Coughs then holds his head groaning*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now