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Ms. Knight: That's enough! Both of you just relax. You can figure this out in the morning

*Its a long slow night and it starts to rain which quickly turns into a thunderstorm*

*By morning everyone accept Logan is awake* So Carlos brings breakfast to him but the young brunette declines and insists he doesn't feel well enough to attend school*

Ms. Knight: James, you need to fix your mistake when you come home from school and rehearsal. Please don't cause anymore problems *Gives his lunch as he leaves the apartment*

Kendall: Mom, I want to stay home. Logan really needs a friend right now

Ms. Knight: I'll stay home with him

Kendall: But you're not a teenager. What good will that do?

Ms. Knight: I was a teenager once too you know

Kendall: Yeah back before the 21st century and modern technology

Ms. Knight: Do you think I was born in the age of the dinosaurs?

Kendall: I don't know. You've always said it's rude to ask a woman her age

Ms. Knight: Kendall I'm perfectly capable of handling Logan's emotions

Kendall: All I'm saying is that he needs someone his age. But ok fine. Good luck *Leaves out with Carlos and Katie*

*All day at school the rest of the class is curious as to Logan isn't there and look at his desk every time Miss Collins asks for volunteer to answer a math question*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now