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Logan: Carlos if you don't want to come down it's fine but just remember you'll be safe no matter where you are. So if you decide to come down here we'll be waiting for you

Carlos: Ok Logie

*James writes on the whiteboard and shows him the message*

"Dude come down. I can protect you from the storm. I can be your bodyguard but don't forget that Thor is a good guy. He would never harm anyone who isn't his enemy"

(Laughs) Very funny James. I'll come down when the thunder goes away

*It doesn't stop at all and the young Latino is paralyzed with fear and begins to hyperventilate*

Tyler: What's wrong Carlos? Are you ok?

Katie: Logan what's happening to him?

Logan: He's having a panic attack. We need to get him down now before he hurts himself. I can see him flailing his arms already *They go to the swirly slide deck and nudge him down the slide*

Carlos, you've got to relax. Ok? You're fine

Carlos: I know, I know. I'm sorry

Logan: Don't apologize. I don't like thunderstorms either

Carlos: You don't?

Logan: Yeah I used to be severely terrified of them when I was little. I was so scared I didn't want to leave my room most of the time. My parents had to bribe me just to come to the living room

Carlos: Bribe you with what? Candy?

Logan: No books

Carlos: How old were you?

Logan: 2 years old. I was in pull ups but wasn't doing well with potty training at all. Anyway it was such a scary time for me

Carlos: Hold on you were reading at age 2?

Logan: Well not completely. I could recognize some words but mostly pictures. Anyway that's not the point. What I'm trying to tell you is anyone any age can be scared of something no matter what it is

Carlos: You're right. Thanks Logan

Logan: You're welcome

*Walks back in* Kendall: Hey uh Carlos I'm sorry about getting impatient with you earlier. Are you ok now?

Carlos: Yeah I'm ok. I didn't know that's why you left out. I just thought you were tired

Kendall: I am tired but that's not your fault

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now