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*Once everyone is dressed they return to the museum*

Miss Collins: Ok class today the exhibit we'll be exploring today is the Osher Rainforest. Where you'll see all kinds of animals like birds, reptiles, amphibians, golden silk orb weaver spiders and enormous Amazonian fish that'll glide overhead. Enjoy *They take the elevator up the floor*

*Butterflies flutter all around them*

Tyler: They're so pretty. Isn't it amazing Katie?

Katie:(unenthusiastic) Yeah they're ok *She doesn't even attempt to look up*

Tyler: You want me to film for you?

Katie: Yeah sure do what you want (sighs) I don't care

Tyler: Please cheer up Katie. This place is awesome

Katie: I'm sorry Tyler I don't mean to be so negative I'm just not feeling like myself today

Tyler: I understand. You don't have to apologize

Carlos: Logan look up there. I read all about the life cycle of a butterfly online and when they're ready to change from a caterpillar they wrap themselves in a cocoon and then they form into a crystal miss

Logan: It's called a chrysalis but very good Carlos. You learned a lot

Carlos: I sure did

Logan: James is your travel buddy. Go talk to him. Ok?

Carlos: He's not my friend right now. He did a horrible thing to Katie and Jesse

Logan: I know he did buddy but he needs a good friend right now and that's you

*In another part of the dome*

James: I can't believe it. Did you see the way she looked at me? The way she said it?

Kendall: Yeah James I was right there when it happened. Isn't Carlos your travel buddy? Go express your guilt to him

James: He won't talk to me. I can't get a word out of him

Kendall: Well whose fault is that? Look James I know you feel bad and I know you're sorry but you really really messed up. Katie is never going to let this go. Like ever

*Carlos walks up to James and looks back at Logan who gives him a thumbs up then back at him* I'm here for you. I don't like you right now but I'm here for you

James: Thanks Carlos

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now