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*They go back to the Palm Woods*

*In Apartment 2J*

*Officer Garcia walks in with James*

Logan: Good to have you back James

James: I'm sorry I caused such a panic. More importantly I'm sorry to you Carlos and Katie. I was a bully. And I'm sorry to you to Logan and Kendall and you too Ms. Knight and to everyone that searched for me. I just felt like I had to leave cuz if I stayed then I would just make your lives worse

Kendall: You're not the only one here with a tough life. Nobody ever said being a teenager was easy

Carlos: There's no instruction manual

Katie: Are you going to stay? Or do you still want to go back to Minnesota?

James: I don't want to be away from my little sister *Kneels down to her height* You're the smartest little girl I've ever met and I can honestly say I've met some adults here who have less intelligence than you

Katie: Like Gustavo?

Gustavo:(annoyed) Hey!

James: I'm too scared to agree with you out loud but (whispers) Yes *Gives her a thumbs up*

*Katie laughs and hugs him*

*James turns around and sees Olivia. He awkwardly smiles at her and runs to his bedroom*

Olivia: I guess he's giving me the silent treatment

Logan: He'll be fine. You're not in trouble. I don't think he's even mad at you. He's more mad at himself than anything

Olivia: That's true. I'm glad he's safe. Goodnight *Leaves out with everyone else who helped*

*The next day*

*Carlos wakes up to see James' bed empty* Oh no not again. James!

*Runs in* James: What's wrong?

Carlos: I thought you left again. Where did you go?

James: In the kitchen to eat breakfast. Katie made it very clear how much I worried her yesterday cuz she just punched me in the stomach making me promise to never run away again. I think she made my spleen and liver switch places

Carlos: I'm glad you're still here. It was scary not knowing where you were yesterday then waiting for my Papì to bring you home. It was like time just froze. I thought you guys were stuck in traffic that was an eternity long

James: I'm always here to stay. I never meant to worry you and I appreciate the advice you gave me yesterday. I was silly to not take it

Carlos: I was silly to give it to you. Suggesting that you and your Papì's relationship needs to be like Master Splinter and the TMNTs was not mature of me at all. I was just trying to make you laugh and lighten the mood but all I did was darken the mood and make you mad so I know that I'll never be mature or smart like I'm supposed to be

James: You don't always have to be smart and mature

Carlos: Logan is

James: That's cuz he's secretly a cyborg posing as a teenage boy

*From dining table*

Logan: Uh...yeah the "cyborg" can hear you and wants you to stop

*Rolls his eyes* James: He also can't take a joke *Says it loud enough for Logan to hear*

Logan: The joke isn't funny! Your food is getting cold. Katie don't his pancakes look delicious

Katie: Uh-huh

James: Katie don't touch them *Runs back in the room*

*Logan and Katie laugh and high five each other*

Logan: Now THAT'S how you do a funny joke

Katie: You just got roasted yo!

*Kendall puts down his hockey magazine* Did you just say yo?

Katie: That's right K-Dog

*Rolls his eyes* Kendall:(sighs) Why? *Goes back to his magazine*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now