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*Everyone gets up and goes downstairs for breakfast* Kendall has to literally drag Katie down the hall cuz she refuses to walk and he holds her on the elevator*

*Once they get downstairs he puts her down* I'll get your breakfast. Just stay at your table. Ok? *Rubs her head and leaves to get the food*

Tyler: Hi Katie. Mind if I sit here? *She shakes her head no and he sits down* I hope you feel better soon. You're too pretty to be sad

*She looks up at him and smiles a little*

*Kendall returns with the food then sits at a table with the other band members*

*In Buffet Line*

Emma: Are you ok George? You look a little tired

George: All thanks to your brother. He called me at 2:30 this morning begging me to help him with Spike. He kept demanding that I give him the right advice and accused me of whining when I told him how late it was and called me a doofus. He wouldn't even tell me how he got my phone number and said that's not important how he knows

Emma: Oh my gosh that's awful. And I definitely didn't give him your number

George: I know you would never do that. I just don't understand why he called me like that at a very unpleasant time

Emma: I don't understand either. I'll talk to him and when I get back home he's dead meat

George: Thanks. He'll probably be mad I told on him to you

Emma: That's his problem not yours

*They go to their tables*

*Jesse decides to sit by himself and barely eats his food*

*Katie watches him and goes over to his table to comfort him* Good morning Jesse

Jesse: We can't be seen talking to each other. James will be so mad

Katie: I don't care about that I care about you

Jesse:(sighs) We can't be friends anymore. I decided it last night when I talked to him. Your relationship with him is too special to ruin. I don't want to end our friendship but it's the only way he'll be happy. I'm sorry Katie I really am *Sadly looks at her and gets up to throw away his food* She sits there heartbroken, distraught, angry and confused*

*She gets up and goes to BTR's table and glares straight at James* When we get back to L.A. I'm going to put you through a world of unbearable agonizing pain. You ruined my life so I'm going to ruin yours. And I HATE you *Angrily walks away*

*The boys are speechless*

Carlos: Angry Katie is scary

Logan: Regular Katie is scary. Congrats James she officially hates you. Isn't that just wonderful? You got exactly what you wanted. She and Jesse are no longer friends. And when we get back home she's going to endlessly torture you

James: This isn't what I wanted at all

Kendall: Then what did you want James? They're both devastated and it's all your fault

James: I just wanted her to be happy

Kendall: She WAS happy and you took that away from her

James: I didn't mean to take it this far

Kendall: You always take it too far and now you've created a huge mess. Again! (sighs) I hope you learned your lesson this time cuz hate is a strong, mean, powerful word and I don't think she said it out of anger. I think she meant it

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now