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Katie: Yeah I do. Whenever a crime happens the police always talk about the choice of a lawyer. I want one

Logan: You didn't commit the crime. You don't have to worry about going to jail

Officer Jones: He's right young lady.

Katie: I know my rights and you can't ask me nothing. You're violating my privacy

Logan: I am so sorry Officer Jones she watches way too much tv. You know kids and their overactive imaginations

Katie: Hey I know what I'm talking about

Officer Jones: It's ok I understand her hesitation

Jesse: Katie what if Logan and I told him what happened? Would that make you feel better?

Katie: No

Officer Jones: We have to take you kids down to the station. We need to know exactly what happened

*They pack their bags and go downstairs to get into the squad car*

*In Lobby* Officer Jones brings over a female officer hoping her presence might make Katie more comfortable to talk but she still refuses to say anything* They're brought into a separate in the back and are told to wait and that they'll get to talk to someone else*

Katie: This isn't fair. We're being held hostage

Logan: Katie relax we're not being held hostage. We've been in here for five minutes. You've got to calm down

Katie: How can I calm down with Tyler being a nervous wreck? He's still too afraid to say anything. Look at him rocking back and forth in the corner. We need to go home

Logan: We can't go home yet. You've got to be patient

Katie: Being patient is hard

Logan: Carlos says that all the time. I can see that influenced you

Katie: I'm scared Logan

Logan: Why are you scared? We're all safe now

Katie: I know it's just that I'm worried it'll happen again. What if we don't have enough evidence to keep him in jail. What if he's released on bond or parole? What then?

Logan: Katie you've got to trust these cops. They have him locked up right now

Jesse: But won't he be given a chance to explain his side of the story? He could tell them anything 

Logan: We have a stronger case

*There's a knock on the door and Officer Garcia walks in* Hola you guys

Katie: I'm so glad you're here. We were so worried about you when you didn't show up at the library. We just want to go home. Please let us go home please. Tyler is traumatized

*Kneels down to her level* Officer Garcia: Calmse mi mija. It's ok. We'll figure this out together. The important thing is that you're all safe.

Katie: I wish Zoey was here. She would help me stay calm and Indy would help Tyler. We're both just a mess right now

Officer Garcia: I understand. Do you think you can tell me what happened?

Katie: I can

Officer Garcia: Good take your time 

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now