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George: We're going to my apartment to celebrate. You can come if you want Olivia. Ozzie and Athena can play with JuneBug and Sonny

Olivia: Sure I would love to come

James: Can I come?

George: Think long and hard about the correct answer
to that question *Glares at him*

*All the teens accept James go to George's apartment*

*The pets play with each other in the living room while the teens watch movies and eat pizza and popcorn*

Daniel: George impressed. You and Emma were amazing today. I'm glad you invited me. Thanks so much

George: Don't thank me thank your sister. She's the one who invited you. It took her 30 minutes to decide if she should press send or not

Emma: You're lucky I love you Danny. I was seriously considering not doing it cuz I was worried how you would react

Daniel: Oh I understand. Thank you

Emma: You're welcome

*Meanwhile in Apartment 2J*

*James is sitting on the couch all alone with nobody to talk to* He's asleep by the time everyone returns*


*He gets up and eats breakfast*

Logan: You know you need to work your butt off to make it up George and Olivia. I don't know how you'll do it but be wise about it

James: Could you help me please? George told me I'm not his friend anymore. That hurt deep down inside. I didn't want to lose him as friend

Logan: Then you shouldn't of done what you did. Look I'll help you out best I can. As for Olivia you're on your own with that situation between you guys

James: Fine

Logan: Ok, so usually today George would most likely be at Palm Woods Park with Max and Kenny talking about their next moves on Dungeons and Dragons. I'm going to join them cuz I wrote down some ideas. You can come with me but listen to me very carefully Do. Not. Pressure. George to forgive you. You know how nervous he can get. You know how bad his anxiety can get so just take things nice and slow. Do you understand?

James: Yeah

Logan: Fantastic. Let's go *They leave out*

*At Palm Woods Park*

Hey guys

George: What's he doing here?

Logan: I texted you he was coming with me

George: I thought you were joking. The day is ruined

Logan: Today isn't ruined. I brought James with me so he can make things right between you guys

George: I'm not forgiving him

Logan: Please do it for me

George: Fine but I'll decide when I'm doing it and it probably won't be today

Logan: That's fine

George: So what ideas did you bring?

Logan: I've got some tactical methods to build weapons for the battle arena

George: Awesome

Max: These are incredible

Kenny: We can use them tonight

Logan: Yep that's the plan

*James just stands there listening to them and feels out of place*

*George sees him and sighs* Do you want to give us any ideas James?

James: Aren't you still mad at me?

George: Yeah but you're here so I just thought you would want to help

James: I can't give any ideas anyway. I don't play that game. Logan says it'll just confuse me and he's right. It truly does

George: Well do you watch him play?

James: All the time but it annoys him

George: Have you learned anything from watching him play the game?

James: He's got an unhealthy obsession to it but I guess you all do

George: My mom thinks I'm doing a good thing for my brain. My dad thinks the game is just a gateway to being jobless and living with them forever

*Chuckles* James: My dad has never understood me. I kind of miss him

George: I don't know him but I do know he loves you

James: It's good to be on your list of people you don't hate

George: I never stopped liking you dude. I just didn't like what you did

James: Are we good again? I miss you as my friend

George: Yeah *Gives him a bro hug*

*Logan smiles and Max and Kenny fist bump each other*

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now