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Logan: Thanks Carlos

Kendall: Here's some water bottles guys. It's getting really hot *Gives them to Katie, Jesse,Tyler and Benjamin*

Katie: Thanks Kendall but you gave me two

Kendall: Yeah I know

Katie: I know what you're trying to make me do and I'm not going to do it. Not happening

Kendall: You don't have to talk to him

Katie: Ugh fine! Gosh you're a pain sometimes *Gets up and gives the water bottle to James and returns to her seat* Happy Fuzzy McEyebrows?

Kendall: Yeah, good job *goes back to his seat sighing exasperated and rubs his head*

Jo: I think Fuzzy McEyebrows might be a compliment sometimes

Kendall: You and I both know that name is nowhere near to being a compliment. It's not even funny but she's called me worse names than that

Jo: She'll be nicer once she relaxes. She's so tense right now. My dad always goes to the spa when he's stressed out and I like to tease him about it. There's a spa in the hotel. Camille and I can take Katie, Emma and Olivia there when we return

Kendall: That's a great idea. I think they'll all like that

Jo: Me too. I know she may never realize this but I do see her as a little sister. She's smart and funny. She's sassy too

Kendall: She's the Queen of Sass. Gustavo called her that once but he was mad when he said it. Even when she was a baby she was feisty. Things got scary when she learned how to talk cuz the more words she learned the sassier she got. I guess it was cute when she was little. At age 5 anything a little girl does is cute so of course she never got in trouble for it. I thought she would eventually outgrow it as she matured but I was extremely wrong. (Sighs) Did I do something wrong to trigger this kind of behavior? Am I a bad older brother? What if I'm a terrible influence on her? She tells me all the time how she looks up to me

Jo: You've done nothing wrong. You're a wonderful older brother and influence to her. It's just part of her personality to be sassy. You can't control that. It's not your fault. Her world has been full of testosterone all her life. So of course she's going to be tough and confident and have other traits girls her age might not display as strong as she does. She's got to survive. I can't imagine how hard it must've been for her to live in Minnesota with no girl her age to be her friend. That must've been so stressful and frustrating

Kendall: Sometimes it did bother her but other times it didn't. All I've ever wanted was for her to be happy and she was happier than I've ever seen her when she met Tyler and something incredible sparked inside of her when she met Jesse and now she's going through this tough time and I don't know how to help her. She's mad and frustrated and confused. A girl her age shouldn't endure any of that. She's just too pure and sweet to suffer the way she is

Jo: James was just looking out for her. I know he couldn't control his emotions but it's good that he realized his mistake and is trying to fix it

Kendall: Yeah I'm proud of him for that

*George's phone rings and he rolls his eyes groaning cuz it's Daniel again* I told you not to call me again. You wanna talk to Emma? Call her yourself then. Why are you calling me? She's ignoring your calls? Well she's got every reason to. No you're being a jerk. Yes you are *Gasps* Did you really just call me that? Such foul language! Seriously that's just being really really disrespectful. Fine here's Emma *Gives her the phone*

Emma:(irritated) What do you want Daniel? Why are you being so rude to George and using unnecessary words to express your anger? Cuz he's being rude to you? Um.. do you hear yourself? You're the one being difficult not him and I'm not going to get into an argument with you right now. I'm on the bus and when I get back home on Sunday I'm going to have a long talk with you about your behavior cuz I'm sick of it. Why did you call George? What do you want from him? Oh I see you're trying to figure out what he's doing with me. Wow you're a piece of work you know that? Sheesh, goodbye Daniel *Hangs up and gives the phone back to George*

*Groans* Brothers *Sighs face palming*

Katie: I'm right here with you Emma. Having a brother just brings extra security. I don't see any other purpose of having one

Kendall: Katie we've taught you many things. We have several purposes

Katie: Stay out of this stretch

Kendall:(confused) Stretch?

Jo: That's a new one

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