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Logan: Katie! The cats are staying with us tonight

*Comes out of her room* Katie: Awesome

Logan: Where's Tyler?

Katie: At an audition

Logan: Ok cool

*Later that night after dinner James is sitting on the couch eating some goldfish. He notices Ozzie is staring at him licking his lips* Shoo fuzzball you can't have any. Go away

Kendall: James relax he's not gonna steal your food

James: Don't let those cute eyes fool you. Looks can be deceiving

Kendall: Uh-Huh well you keep on being frenemies with a cat *Rolls his eyes and goes to the bedroom area*

*For the rest of the week everyone continues to work on their projects. On Friday Mr. Bitters returns and nobody welcomes him* Not even Buddha Bob*

*In Lobby*

Katie: You're lucky you weren't fired. You should've been for abusing your power and neglecting the people who live here

Tyler: Yeah you're a jerk

Mr. Bitters: I know and I want to change

Katie: Oh sure you do. We'll believe that when we see it. Come on Tyler *They go to the pool*

Tyler: What's tests are we doing for week 2 of our project?

Katie: I don't know yet. We'll have to do some research

Tyler: Ok

Katie: This project is so much fun

Tyler: It sure is

*They swim for about two hours then go inside to get a snack from the vending machine then go to their secret clubhouse* Suddenly they hear a scream and look through the telescope to see Hailey struggling to pull away from something and Daisy barking*

Katie: They're in trouble we have to help them! *They run out and see a large man trying to take Daisy away from Hailey*

Hey jerk face! Leave them alone!

*The man faces them and grinds his teeth then pulls out a gun and points it at the dog* Do anything and I'll shoot the ugly mutt! Stay back!

Hailey: Don't hurt my dog please!

Masked Man: Shut up you brat! I'll hurt her! I'll hurt you all!

*The kids don't know what to do or say so they stay absolutely still. A huge crowd appears* The criminal becomes uneasy and flees the scene after sirens are heard*

Officer Garcia: Everyone clear the area please. *The crowd goes away*

Are you alright? Are you hurt?

Hailey: No sir but my heart is beating out of my chest. I'm petrified

Officer Garcia: It's ok. It's over now.
Please tell me what happened

Hailey: I was walking my dog Daisy when suddenly this man I've never seen before just jumps out of I don't even know where and demands I give him my dog. And I refused so he tried to take her by force and I was so scared then Katie and Tyler tried to help me out but the man threatened to shoot Daisy *Starts to cry* He was gonna kill my beautiful princess and there was nothing I could do *Cries even harder*

Officer Garcia: Its ok. It's over now. Can you tell me what he looked like?

Hailey: Big, tall and muscular. That's all I can remember. He had a mask on

Katie: He also had on a black tank top that had the words Tough Guy in green bold letters. He had on black and white track pants on

Tyler: He had long brown hair and blue eyes and red high tops on. His voice deep and menacing

Officer Garcia: Thanks guys. This information is very helpful. My team and I are on the case. You kids should just go inside and relax

Hailey: Thank you sir  

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now