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Katie: James please don't hurt him. Please

*The tall brunette looks at her and his mood softens and he helps Logan up*

Are you ok dude?

Logan: Yeah I guess so

Miss Collins: Do you need medical attention?

Logan: No ma'am. I'm ok *walks back to his desk and hides his head in his arms*

*After school*

Camille: Are you sure you're ok Logan?

Logan: Yeah I'm ok. I'm going home *Walks out before she can say anything else*

Why is he being so stubborn?

Kendall: He's not being stubborn. He's embarrassed. Being humiliated in front of the whole class isn't exactly a comfortable moment

Camille: I just wanna help him feel better but he won't let me

Kendall: Camille come on think about it if you were the one humiliated and he wanted to help you feel better you would want to be alone too right?

Camille: Yeah I guess I would

Kendall: Ok then please try to understand his feelings are all jumbled up right now. Just give him time

Camille: I will

Kendall: Great

*At Palm Woods Park*

Tyler: I sure hope Logan is ok

Katie: I think he is. He just needs some alone time

Tyler: Why was Ethan so mean?

Katie: He's a jerk that's why

Tyler: You don't think he'll target us do you?

Katie: I sure hope not but if he does we can just get James to scare him off

Tyler: Seems fair

Katie: Now where's that creepy man you saw yesterday? I don't know what he looks like only you do

Tyler: He was right over there across the street

Katie: Tyler I don't see anyone

Tyler: But he was right there. I swear he was

Katie: Ok calm down I believe you. Maybe he'll come back

Tyler: And if he does what will we do?

Katie: Exactly what we discussed last night

Tyler: Ok

Katie: How did Indy do last night? Did he whine in his crate?

Tyler: Yeah for about 30 minutes then he finally went to sleep

Katie: Great. How did he do this morning when you left for school?

Tyler: He was sad and confused but I think he eventually understood I wasn't leaving him forever

Katie: Zoey is the same way. She barks her objections I think it's so cute

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now