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James: I remember that and I still am very sorry. Logan I know we don't always agree on everything and have certain opinions and thoughts but you really are truly important to me

Katie: Then act like it!

James: Katie I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now

Katie: Not my problem

James: What is it about Logan that you like so much? You were obsessed with him when you were little

Katie: He's always been really nice to me and he's just really easy to talk to. Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. There's just no progress

James: You're one to talk. You're not easy to live with either

Logan: Uh..guys

Katie: I'm sorry I'm so difficult to be around. It's your fault

James: My fault?!

Logan: Guys...

Katie: Yeah cuz you're always in a nasty mood. You're not a good influence on me

Logan: Yo Guys!!

James and Katie: What?!

Logan: Please stop arguing

Katie: Sorry Logan *Goes to her room to relax*

James: I'm sorry too. What I did to you in the 4th grade was wrong and unnecessary. Please forgive me for everything

Logan: Fine

James: Thanks Logan *They go to bed*

*The morning at George's apartment. He's fast asleep. Ozzie jumps on the couch and nudges his face to wake him up but it doesn't work so he taps his head with his paw*

George: Ozzie stop it *Eyes still closed*

*Ozzie meows loudly and purrs against his cheek* I love you to buddy *Yawns and closes his eyes back*

*Athena joins them on the couch and meows loudly*

Oh good grief *Sits up and sighs* What do you guys want from me? Are you hungry? Is that what you want? Food?

*George's dad walks in and laughs then turns on the feeder* They're just worried about you

George: I know but when I'm sleeping there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed *Glares at the cats then laughs and hugs them* Go eat guys

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Where stories live. Discover now