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*George sits back and sighs* Athena lays her head on his lap and looks at him sympathetically* Thanks baby girl. You're so sweet *Rubs her head*

*He sleeps for most of the day*

*Later that afternoon he gets a visit from Logan*

Logan: I've got a surprise for you. *Gives him the gift*

George: You got me free backstage passes to your next BTR concert?

Logan: Yep and I gave some to Max and Kenny. I took me about 2 hours to negotiate with Gustavo to get them. That man is the most stubborn hard headed person I've ever met in my life. Anyway our next concert is in a few months. You'll be healed by then

George: I don't know what to say. Thanks isn't enough for your kindness. I'm just so grateful to have a friend like you

Logan: I appreciate that

George: Do I have any homework I'm missing out on?

Logan: Miss Collins told me to tell you that you need to rest and relax and not worry about school. You're not missing out on anything exciting. Class has gotten really boring in my opinion

George: Ok well as long as I don't fall behind I feel so much better

Logan: Fantastic

*Emma walks in* Hey am I interrupting something?

Logan: No I was just leaving

Emma: Ok well I've got someone here who needs to talk to George and it would be helpful if you stayed

Logan: Who is it?

Daniel:(nervously) Hey Logan. How are you?

Logan: Uh no *Looks back at George whose face is turning red with anger*

George: YOU! If I could walk I would go right up to you and punch you in the face! What the heck are you doing here?! Emma why did you do this to me?! I thought you cared about me!

Emma: I do care about you George. And that's why I've brought him here. You two need to talk

George: There's absolutely nothing for us to talk about!

Logan: George just calm down. You've got to relax. Ok?

George: How can I do that with him IN my room?! Ozzie and Athena attack the intruder!! Claws out! Now!

Daniel: Wait what?! *Jumps when he sees the cats running towards him* Ok, ok I'm going! *Runs out of the apartment*

George: Emma I don't know why I was dumb enough to ever fall for you. (Sighs) Just go away and don't come back. We'll never be friends

Emma: I understand. Have a healthy speedy recovery *sadly leaves*

*George is still upset and can't sit still*

Logan: Deep breaths, calm down. Just relax

George: I'm sorry about all that

Logan: It's ok. Just get some rest. You need it. A lot of it *Leaves out*

*Later that night Tiberius is resting on his knee*

Can you believe that jerk?! I mean he literally broke my foot and now he's been trying to "apologize". Like I'm going to believe anything he has to say. He's crazy! Crazy! *the lizard just looks at him cocking his head* I hear what you're saying but I'm not the one with anger issues. Stay with me Tiberius. Don't defend the enemy. He's got a bearded dragon just like you. He named his Spike. (Sighs) I hope he's taking care of him. I speak for all owners of bearded dragons.

George's Dad: Are you done ranting to your lizard? It's for time for you to go to bed

George: I'm not tired and no I'm not done talking to him. He's got a lot to say. Just listen to him. He's a chatter box

George's Dad: I'm sure he is but it's time for bed. You can finish your conversation in the morning *Puts Tiberius back in his terrarium*

George: What am I suppose to do? I'm really not tired

George's Dad: Why not play Dukes and Hazards?

George: You mean Dungeons and Dragons?

George's Dad: Yes

George: Ok, thanks Dad. Goodnight

Big Time Rush Pre-Teen Girl Problems: The Adventure Continues Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin